View Full Version : CX Jets parked

Ed Roddington
28th Nov 2001, 22:10
So what exactly has been parked up? I've heard rumours of anything from one classic freighter up to a total of 14 aircraft. Can anyone shed any light?

28th Nov 2001, 22:41
Two B744 will be parked at Avalon soon.
Utilisation has decreased alot, heard it will be A330/340 and more 747s

29th Nov 2001, 05:17
Two 747's at VCV and three at MZJ, more to follow i'm sure.
AOA = DOA! But, the clowns' continue with their "action"....wonder why?

Snake Hips
29th Nov 2001, 05:19
We were told last week, 2 x 744's, 2 x A340's and 2 x Classic freighters. I think there is already one classic freighter parked in China sp total 7. Anyone confirm?

29th Nov 2001, 10:01
snake ,your info is bang on !..but "they" say all the flts will soon be filling up as the X MAS season comes near.EU bound flts are already doing full loads.

Snake Hips
29th Nov 2001, 11:14
I should have added the parking was from January onwards. December (as usual) thankfully looking reasonable, its first quarter 2002 which is a bit gloomy.

29th Nov 2001, 15:09
Times must be really hard at CX. Can't get a seat on a plane anywhere.

CX management forcasting doom and gloom. Are these the same lies that we hear from management all the time?

30th Nov 2001, 09:38
This is what happened to the last CX A/C parked at AVALON !


[ 30 November 2001: Message edited by: CCA ]

30th Nov 2001, 10:23
Will the ASL pilots not needed from the classic freighters and therefore transferred to the CX mainline be affected by the hiring ban by IFALPA? What is happening on the F/E front with CX Freighters are there lay offs here as well? :confused:

Willy Nilly
1st Dec 2001, 14:48
Nice try Stop Start...don't think you are going to drag anyone into that discussion again!

2nd Dec 2001, 03:44
Look forward to CX's demise!! :D :D :D

2nd Dec 2001, 09:28
The demise of cx will also mean the demise of my paycheck. Try a little harder to make some friends, will you, my dear penguin?

Enjoy the holidays everyone.


7th Dec 2001, 04:20

You probably wouldn't lose your paycheque. If that ever happens, CNAC will scoop up CX in no time.

BTW, I don't need friends at CX :D :D :D

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into the jet engines! ;)