View Full Version : Slow Down Chaps

21st Jun 2001, 20:16
1 July 2001
"Ladies and Gents... Err... We're sorry for this delay but my union want me to taxy slowley so that I teach the company a lesson and get what my union wants, what ever that is"
If I put my uniform on and go to work, I will do the best I am trained to do, in line with SOP. If I want industrial action, I will hold a board outside the offices listing my demands.
My message, what ever it's worth... Think about your jobs. Forget the promises by the AOA, if you get sacked then you have to answer to the little ones at home. Lets not be silly. The company has a point this time round, despite what CD's you've watched recently. Watch the real life CD's world wide. BA, Virgin, and all the Ausi outfits are on less pay. Be proffesional. Cheers.. BA

The Resistance
21st Jun 2001, 21:33
...slow down chaps....!!!!? Well,....er, yes, that philosophy has done us REALLY well the past 8 years HASN'T it BusAce...?? I despair at the fact that people such as yourself are seemingly incapable of standing up for what is right. We have been subject to tyranny for almost a decade now. What part of 'professionalism' is bending over and continuing to have pineapples shoved up our as-es..? It doesn't take much imagination to figure out what nationality you are.....or what you did back in 99. As for your statement that pilots at Quantas, BA etc make less. Haven't you read a SINGLE one of the AOA's newsletters, that spell out in plain black and white just how far behind those VERY airlines you quote we are falling behind. When you consider salary, pension and other benefits, we are woefully underpaid.....and i'm comparing A-scale here, not to mention how pathetic the B-scale comparison is! You really are a sad example of character and fortitude. We have been patient for far too long with this management. They have taken us for fools for nearly 10 years. It will stop now. If you wish to live your life as a 'vassel servant' to the likes of KB and TT....well, be my guest. In your frightened efforts to preserve what you have, you can be certain of losing it in the end. Just look at all the recent examples of aircrew bodies that have stuck together and achieved substantial improvements to their conditions. HOW do you think we will attain any of that with the attitude you display? Pathetic. Develop some backbone, because your ilk had your 'hall pass' stamped back in 99. I offer nothing but contempt for those who will do nothing for the profession, their colleagues, or indeed their own families. To lie down and allow the travesties of the past 8 years to continue would be unconsionable. We deserve better....from our management, and CERTAINLY from our own colleagues. Try to imagine what our working conditions, pay and benefits will be like in say....5 years time if this management is allowed to continue to treat us with the contempt they have shown since 93...? No, I didn't think so. Grow up, and stand up.

water check
21st Jun 2001, 22:03
BusAce, you say that the 'company has a point'....? Just what exactly would THAT be?

Midnight Rambler
21st Jun 2001, 22:05
Don't fall for it, Resistance. Keep it off this forum. It's precisely what they (BusAce?) want.


21st Jun 2001, 23:04
BusAce if you're that happy with CX you can do my July roster OR explain it to my family!!

21st Jun 2001, 23:43
Hey, look! We've found a new 411-A amongst us! He's a very good imitation at least! I wonder were he gets his ideas from!


22nd Jun 2001, 02:51
Hey busarse;

Do us a favour, don't put your uniform and don't go to work, none of us want to work with you anyway!

The Ghost Who Walks
22nd Jun 2001, 05:05
Lets remember the advise of the author of "Confessions of a Union Buster."
In-fighting is caviar to the company.
Lets keep it in-house, and so give our negotiators the best chance.
Just ignore those who are out to bait you.
Give your energies to the AOA.

great southern land
22nd Jun 2001, 05:07
To all my A-scale colleagues. If any of you are under any illussions regarding the companies future intentions towards you, I suggest you look at the recent comments from Tony Tyler regarding your salaries. In response to Nigel Demery commenting that the A-scale is the 'present''going rate' for the job, Tony was quick to say that he (ie: management) thought that A-scale was ABOVE the going rate, and that B-scale is the 'proper' rate for the job. Needless to say, those of us who still wish to stick their heads in the sand and hope this will all go away are foolishly deluded. There is NO chance that the company will cease in attacking our salaries and benefits...NONE. If you don't stand and fight now, you are GUARANTEED to lose the very thing you seek to preserve. The ONLY thing this company understands is power and pain. It is time we subjected them to some of thier own medicine. We have been compliant fools (BusAce...you listening?) for the past 8 years, and look where it has taken us. We now suffer from some of the WORST conditions in the industry (especially when compared to our home carriers). It is imperative that those amongst us who still think that being a compliant, weak and frightened individual equates to security be made to see that the ONLY way to preserve and protect our profession is through UNITY and APPLIED ACTION. The days of hoping our management will come to thier senses is over. Be under NO illussion; our management THRIVE on contempt for us. They would rather compromise the long-term health of the company to fulfull their own twisted and malignant agenda against the pilots. What insanity has allowed this airline to reach the depths of dysfunction it now suffers from? I left management over 2 years ago becuase it was obvious that the agenda of the likes of Tyler, Turnbull and others was nothing more than a personal vendetta against aircrew, and the realisation that they could increase their own bonuses at our expense. Realise now that if you don't fight them, if we don't stick together,.....we are doomed professionaly in this company. We have allowed them to hurt us for far too long....and it is time it was stopped. Again I re-iterate, read carefully Tylers comment regarding our A-scale salaries, and realise that he is saying we are STILL paid too much, even AFTER paycuts of over 30%....!!!! He is telling us through that comment what his next agenda items are.....and we will be fighting for our very survival if we don't stand up against this tryanny now.

canuck revenger
22nd Jun 2001, 05:15
BusAce....at what young age did you get dropped on your head...? What an idiot.....

22nd Jun 2001, 07:32

Obviously the management is under pressure. They are on fishing expeditions to see if they can catch any information that they can use. They will resort to every dirty, lowdown trick in the book. Expect It!

Also, the press is hungry. This is probably the biggest story in Hong Kong since the Asian Financial Crisis and the 1.5 million Mainland Chinese looking for the "Right to Abode".

I am sure the Union's website will be up and running soon. The boys are a bit busy. We can all do our thing, by volunteering to help the Union with such tasks. So call the Union.

In the meantime, try is refrain from using this site. We are united now, so they will be looking for ways to get that sword between us.

Let's play it smart.

Bengi 25