View Full Version : Cpl/ir

19th Feb 2005, 11:47
I'm currently doing my Phase II at Oxford, I've had excellent results so far but can't wait to finish!!!

Anyway, in april I'll go to Arizona to do my CPL/MEP with Oxford and some hour building as well.

I'm not interested in doing my IR with Oxford, I will most likely take the IR in Spain (Malaga) or just home in Iceland.

Can anyone tell me if this is possible (that is taking the CPL with Oxford and then do the IR in another JAA state) and will the state in which I take my IR issue a new CPL with Instrument Rating or will I get the rating printed in my previous UK CAA CPL?

Any comments appriciated..:ok:

19th Feb 2005, 12:31
Hi Icepilot,
You can do the IR in any JAA state and the rating will be added to your CAA licence.
Make sure to collecct all the JAA paperwork when you pass your IR for forwarding to the CAA with your CPL. There will be no indication on the new CPL/IR licence that the IR was obtained in a different jurisdiction.