View Full Version : Cheap Twin time?

18th Feb 2005, 08:57
i have a question on the minimum requirements on what is needed for a twin endorsment? especially when flying this!




currently i have a PPL with CSU, RG and NVFR,
the aircraft will be plans built and VH rego. The design of the aircraft means it has No assymetric effects with 1 engine out! i feel doing a few Hrs in a duchess or similar will be overkill!

the wizard of auz
18th Feb 2005, 10:53
Strewth mate!, don't do it. I'm sure your family will miss ya. :}

Capt Fathom
18th Feb 2005, 11:33
power-up, clean-up, identify, verify, feather!

We're not going to make it John!

Ahhh...I know it...****e!

18th Feb 2005, 11:35
The guys head is bigger than the engine hhahahahaha, :}

As the engines are not centre-line, it will have to have some assymetric, although very minimal. How short are those blades! On that first photo, the piston(1?) looks like a big bulldog clip.

BTW it will still need a multi endorsement as it is multi engine, in the same way as the C337 does.

I imagine you could fart in the tanks and go for 100nm.

At least you wouldn't have to pay parking fees, you could pick it up and put it on the roofracks of your hyundai.

18th Feb 2005, 13:24
First and foremost, a psychiatric examination!

18th Feb 2005, 22:52
I would say flying a duchess would be easier to fly that that!! Especially if there is more than 2knots blowing.

How are you supposed to get an endorsement?? Will the instructor stand on the ground with the remote control? :) :)

Not me no way!

18th Feb 2005, 22:59
Never underestimate the cri!

110 Kts cruise! Unlimited aerobatic rated +9G -6 max crosswind component 20 Kts!

there is little or no assymetric effects with 1 engine out as the prop wash deflects off the sides of the canopy, so with 1 engine out, the increased power and prop wash deflects off the side of the canopy counteracting the effects of assymetric thrust!

they have a high wing loading and ride rough air just as well as a big single

if you think im nuts! there are Turbine powered versions!! i cant think of a better/ cheaper way to get twin turbine time! step from a cri cri to 737!

all time logged in this is legitimate twin time!

18th Feb 2005, 23:06
Only Cri Cri in Australia was built by Bobby Gibbes. Currently owned by a bloke in Vic. Rego VH-BUU if you want to check the CASA register.

Forget about just twin time - check this one out


18th Feb 2005, 23:11
there is another being test flown in Goulburn at this moment!

there is also a nearly complete one for sale in this months aviation trader!

chimbu warrior
19th Feb 2005, 02:04
Bobby loved his Cri Cri, but in typical fashion CASA decided that he could no longer (due to age) fly a multi-engine aircraft single pilot. Bobby pointed out that even if he wanted a co-pilot, the Cri Cri could not accomodate one, however CASA were adamant.

I believe he cried when hi sold the aircraft.

19th Feb 2005, 13:11
i have herd of Bobby, how long ago did he sell his aircraft? very sad to hear what casa has done, but then it wouldnt be casa if they didnt destroy someones joy of flying.

did he consider registering the cri cri in the 95-XX ? (raa rego) therefor taking licencing and medical regultion away from CASA?

20th Feb 2005, 04:03
.I believe he cried when he sold the aircraft.

or did he cry-cry?

20th Feb 2005, 08:02
Considering the song and dance made of allowing Bob Hoover to fly here when his home country wouldn't let him, it is surprising.

Arm out the window
20th Feb 2005, 08:36
Aerobatic? Bugger me, how would you look up prior to entering a loop, you'd bash your head on the canopy bow.

20th Feb 2005, 10:22
you'd bash your head on the canopy bow.


Like this???

I even have a short 5 mb vid of a cri doing an aerobatic routine, including a roll immediatly after take off!

vid, ready for a laugh? 3 mins ,5mb (http://home.exetel.com.au/pamuva/MOVIES!/v2.wmv)

20th Feb 2005, 17:18
that's a great video clip.. thanks for sharing it.

22nd Feb 2005, 07:42
omg the place is crawling with them!