View Full Version : qestion about distance learning

10th Feb 2005, 07:37
Is it possible to get in contact with some of you that have done or doing the distance learning program that have experience over 1500 hours like me and do not have to attend the classroom part on the end of each module.

This is just to get some info from you how hard it is to do by yourself without going to the two week classroom part. And some info on study habits, such as do you go through the course once and then study hard on the feedback questions until it is time to take the exams/papers?. How fast can it be done with a full time flying job on the side?

if you have some info.



10th Feb 2005, 22:54
Its a few years ago now and they were the CAA exams back then. I was working full time 50-60 hour weeks studying at night and on the weekend. It certainly strained my marriage but somehow we came out the other side.
My approach was to hit it hard and get it done without regard for anything else whatsoever except my job.
Would like to think that there would have been enough cushion in the results to have passed them all without any classroom but I will never know. I opted for the self study then a quick brush-up course at the end of each set. I certainly learnt an awful lot of exam technique elements in those brush-up days that were really focused on passing the exams as opposed to learning a subject which was what the correspondance course had done.
If they offer such courses for JAR exams save up some leave and sacrafice it would be my recommendation. Its far easier to practice an exam paper to correct time constraints when you are competing in a classroom of piers. You might also find certain concepts become far clearer when expained rather than when read from a book. Im reasonably academic but nonetheless had got certain concepts slightly over complicated in my mind shall we say. That said I am writing from an angle of ignorance as I have little knowledge of the JAR sylabus content.

Best of luck and suggest you take shares in a florist shop if you are married or attached!!!!

That said when she moans quote Magnus Maggnerson!!!!

10th Feb 2005, 23:25
Judging the orignal posters location, I am not too sure whether they are refering to the JAA or the FAA.

For JAA, if you are doing the ATPL writtens by distance learning, then you must attend a two week brush up seminar for each module prior to sitting the exams. Any subsequent resits will not require a residential portion. It's all part meeting the miniumum training requirements for the theory credit issue. Of course, you could be already an FAA ATP holder with oddles of hours and can easily convert your existing ATP to a JAR ATPL in which case consult this oh oracle of all things (http://www.caa.co.uk/docs/33/LASORS2005.PDF).

If your talking about tha FAA system, then I'm sure a suitably qualified person will answer your query.

BTW.... Good Luck.

11th Feb 2005, 02:10
Thank for the replays

Guess I should have mentioned that I'm originally from Europe and fly in the USA. I have an FAA ATPL with type on the A320, B737, B747, SF340 over 7500 hours of total time. I'm looking into finally getting an JAA ATPL, and move to Europe. I currently fly Captain on an A320 for a small airline, have flow for a major airline but got furloughed after all the financial difficulty in the industry.

Because of my experience I qualify to take the distance learning course without the two week classroom part at the end of each module. Actually if I was really smart I could just go sit the papers/exams.

Please keep your comments coming, I would like to get a wider perspective on other peoples methods and techniques. If you have my experience or not. Can it be done without the two week course before each paper?
