View Full Version : Explorer starting point

Loose rivets
6th Feb 2005, 06:47
Having at last started working with XP home ‘2' I would like to run several Explorers that open in different places. I have created three, but just cannot remember how to cause them to look into different folders.

Help appreciated.

N.b. I picked up on the ‘posting pictures', and hay-presto, a ‘psychological test' in Jet blast with pic. Thanks for that.

6th Feb 2005, 21:44
I think all you need to to is type in the path of where you want to start after explorer.exe in the target window in properties of the desktop explorer shortcut eg %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe x:\rickity will start explorer showing drive x folder rickity.


Loose rivets
7th Feb 2005, 05:01
Thanks rickity. Working ok.

I was repeatedly making a syntax error which became obvious when I looked at your example.

It's an age thing :confused: