View Full Version : Cx Check/Trainers- Professional Pilots or Management ?

26th Feb 2001, 10:18
The time is coming when all our Check and Trainers will be put in a positon where they will have to decide whether they are professional pilots or management. Unfortunately the circumstances will not permit them to remain in a grey area.

Should they decide they are management then, sadly, they will undermine the profession itself and the future of their own family.

As an Association we will have to find a way to protect those check and trainers who value the status of the profession. They will surely come under intense individual pressure from people who wish to destroy the status of the pilot profession. The management will try to drive them out of their positions of responsibility because they will not allow themselves to be used as weapons against their colleagues. These are the people we need in the positons of check and trainers. These are the people who will ensure we, as pilots, are the best prepared to ensure the safety of the travelling public.

We must consider this now. We need quality people in these positions but we must find a way to protect them from being used against their profession by management.

Comments most welcome

26th Feb 2001, 18:09
The question is not really what they are, it is what they think they are. They are most definitely line pilots only. It is management deception to make them think they are management. There are many egos in C&T that will not allow them to see the truth. When no longer desperately needed they will be cast aside with the rest of the pilot group. It is interesting that this even warrants a thread at CX. In the rest of the world, C&T is simply another variation of ones job as a pilot. They consider themselves line pilots. They have just been tasked with a minor variation of the job. CX' current and prospective C&T would do well to talk with some former C&T fellows that have been cast aside and see just how deep the commitment to them from CX management runs!

27th Feb 2001, 05:03
Management have shown what they think of the checkers and trainers. Think back a few years and remember how management wanted BTC's to do it on B-scale. Think back a few months and remember how management wanted to introduce b-scale for trainers. Some people are looking through rose tinted spectacles and have selective memory.

For a department that can look back over your 10+ year career when you come up to a four bar check toward command and remember every action on every check plus a few night's in the old Cathay Club they quickly forget what's important!