View Full Version : Unity or disunity?

Mark Itforsus
9th Apr 2001, 15:11
There seems little doubt that we are seeing the gestation period of D-scales under way with our professional colleagues in KL being the targets for this exercise. It is only a matter of time before other areas are targeted and E, F and G-scales etc become the norm. This will inevitably lead to a steady downward spiral in terms and conditions of service for ALL tech-crew members.

As things stand we now have A-scales, B-scales, Veta freighter scales and ASL let alone differing COS. We have an airline management, which appears to the outside world, to be in complete disarray without even the vestiges of a workmanlike plan to put the airline back on track.

To the outside world they are not the only ones who appear to be in disarray. Look no further than our own tech-crew workforce for the answer. May I suggest that the watchword at the EGM on the 19th should be UNITY – rock solid UNITY! Only by representing 100% of the CX/CXF/AHK workforce will effective progress be made. Unless that goal is achieved we might as well shut up shop. Our management know it – and play on it.

We may well be in a mini-recession however this airline needs to plan for the recovery now. Part of that recovery process could well involve a change of scenery for key players to enable both sides to move on from the impasse that has entrenched both sides. Quicksand seems almost solid by comparison.

A general acceptance that pride must be swallowed on all sides would be an excellent first move. The second move should be a fresh set of well respected personalities put into place even if it means inviting external candidates with new and vibrant ideas to take us out of the putrid mud we are bogged down in. Sir Adrian would be well advised to take that one on board although I suspect he has been thinking it through for some time. He can do it if he wants to - it just needs that one board meeting to ratify it.

There are many personal issues that we all want to bring to the fore but let us not cloud the main issue. The American carrier’s pilots are showing us what it takes to get results. What it takes is UNITY. Think it through long and hard gentlemen. Without it we are reeds in the breeze to be trampled on at will.

We must make an all out effort to move on and to get all of our colleague pilots and flight engineers singing from the same hymn sheet - whatever it takes.

10th Apr 2001, 06:02
Well said!