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View Full Version : Also have CX interview

31st Mar 2001, 01:59
I'm almost afraid to post this for the brow-beating I will probably take. I'm not a scab, nor would I be one. I don't want to take anyone's job or try and beat the system. It sounds as though by the postings that if I get a freighter job in the US I am taking a job that others of you already working there want. I simply applied to CX with great interest, they offered me an interview and now I don't know whether to be excited or jump in front of a truck. I would seriously like to know if anyone has anything good or positive to say. I have 1000+ hours in the 747 classic as a first officer and I would very much like to be on the 400. Thank you for your time. I would appreciate any advice.

31st Mar 2001, 04:24
Sorry mate, jump in front of a truck!

ess jay
6th Apr 2001, 19:44
Yeh, jump in front of the truck! If you survive, you will survive the CXf. So get the job and take it from there.

[This message has been edited by ess jay (edited 06 April 2001).]