View Full Version : Anyone had a jetstar interview?

27th Jan 2005, 04:24
Just wondering if anyone has gone thru jetstar's interview process. I had a first interview with them 2 months ago. Received a 'u have progressed to next stage. will be in contact' then nothing in 2 months.... anyone had this happen? Or understand why?

27th Jan 2005, 07:26
Hi Jewel,

I went through the interviews before Xmas too. I had the assessment day, my panel interview, then my medical and security check and was told they would be in touch in a couple of weeks for the final stage. I'm still waiting, frustrating isn't it?

I can only think they are snowed under at the moment and will get back to us when dates etc are confirmed. If you are concerned you should give them a call, I don't think it can hurt.

Good luck and let us know if you hear anything. :ok:

27th Jan 2005, 09:37
Take my advise guys,unless you are unemployed Jetstar aint such a great place to work.Moral is at an all time low,long days,dirty aircraft,filthy toilets,awful crew food,no overnights,management is upside down,cranky customers because we treat them so badly and a really dog dam awful t-shirt that they call a uniform to wear.The one saving grace is that we have a great bunch of people working there.I know they have many schools planed so if you take them up on the offer i dont think you will have to wait very long.

27th Jan 2005, 12:36
Well those two replies were a downer. I havent had my panel interview or anything yet! But Iguana you must have got a call really quick about ur 2nd interview. Maybe they didnt like me so much..:( Have heard from some of the other girls that many were rejected straight up but....
Strange as it was after 4 weeks waiting i got a phone call a few hours ago. Have my 2nd interview next week. Any tips iguana? Since yours is already processed by sounds of it im not competition to you ;)
And words taken in Grove but im still gona go. Something i really wana do and if its not good ill have to find out the hard way. Thanx but :)

28th Jan 2005, 02:16
Grove -
It is less than ideal at the moment but it HAS to improve - it can't get any worse! Remember many outside the industry would give their first born child to be a glamorous flight attendant. Whilst we all know it is far from glamorous it is a starting point in a difficult industry to secure permanent work.

About the customers... Yesterday I had lovely customers and no dramas. Yeh sometimes they are out of control but remember when we stopped serving hot meals? We had people swear at us and throw the boxes back! They calmed down eventually. The public is getting used to the whole JQ gig. The execution of the product is awful and that's what I think the public are most angry about. It seems the Company is relying on employees to piece it all together. Management need to go. We need people at the top giving adequate direction - but that costs money. It will have to happen soon though as everyone is fed up.

Cleaning will have to improve. It will cost money but the current situation is diabolical in the extreme. We are on the verge of saying enough is enough. There is so much anger out there.

I know people who have gone one better and gone to Workcover. Let me tell you the NSW office would be keen to hear from you.

As for the days being long??? Whilst there is SOME 9 hr 15 minute days, most 4 sectors are around 8 hours 20. And there is just as many 2 sector days ranging from 4 hours to 7 hrs 30. I think you are referring to rostering. It is completely pathetic! They lump all the 4 sector days together, like 5 days On, 1 Day Off, then another 5 days On (all 4 sectors starting between 5-6am). Then you are so tired and fatigued the rest of the month is spent catching up on rest, regardless of easy the remaining flying may be. The rostering is completely careless.

I am frustrated at JQ as it seems it is either a great day or a horrible day... There is no in-betweens and we have no control over how it pans out.

Jewel -
If you want to get into the industry then I would say go for it. We are definately not without our issues at JQ. And for veterans like myself and Grove it has been a bit of a slap in the face. Morale is lower than I thought existed - even amongst new crew! However you are and employee of the Qantas Group and we do get great benefits. And the issues MUST sort themselves out as the current situation just cannot continue. I keep telling myself that anyway.

You may wish to apply at MAM as a casual. They are earning great money right now but there is no security as like joining a subsidiary. Have you thought about EAA? Money isn't as good but the crew are great and it is secure work.

28th Jan 2005, 06:28
Jewel, congrats on the second interview. See patience is a virtue after all! As far as tips go just relax and enjoy yourself. The 2 ladies that interviewed me were lovely. Very friendly and down to earth. Lots of situational questions, the usual airline drill, tell me a time...., what happened when....., what did you do....., what was the outcome. You know what I mean. Good luck for next week and let us know how you go.

Grove and Ditzy I'm sorry things aren't great for you at the moment. Hopefully time and alot of customer feedback will help things along. I have been following your posts from way back Ditzy and I really hope I get the chance to fly with you one day. No matter how bad it gets you still retain your professionalism and sense of humour.

Maybe now with more second interviews scheduled I'll be placed in the final stage interview with them. Does anyone know how many schools are planned and for when or where?

Thanks guys any help is much appreciated. :ok:

28th Jan 2005, 08:38
Hey guys,

I know someone who was interviewed for the CNS base and was contacted today re a position and a start date of Feb 14th.

Things do sound a buit glum there though - hope things improve for you all.

Have a rad weekend,

Raver :)

28th Jan 2005, 10:57
Hi Raver,

How's sunny QLD?

Has your friend been told where they are training?


28th Jan 2005, 11:55
Iguana: Its your year, I can feel it! You had the setback (of which we wont speak) and this time you are destined for it! Good luck!

Jewel: You will find in any job there are the people who complain. And I think thats a good thing! Thats how change is affected. Negative (constructive) feedback is the mechanism for change. So keep smiling, Im sure you will get the call as well!!!

We in the west are hanging on to hear who wins the 717 contract, NJS or JQ. Either way I assume more crew would be needed...

Good luck to EVERYONE! And to all the current JQ guys, I love reading about your jobs and experiences, you guys are the pioneers, and this period of adjustment is kind of expected! Lets hope it gets really better a lot soon... And you guys are the ones who can make it happen :)


PS: For a lot of humour, do a search for the time when QF got the new uniforms, there is enough material in there to make your eyes water, too much laughter! My god I cant wait to fly with any of you guys! (And I mean guys and gals, its a unisex term for me)

29th Jan 2005, 04:22
Hi Iguana,

Sunny QLD is actually fab today - no rain for once, so I have just dragged myself out of the pool and into this net cafe!

Training is apperently ment to be in the AO facilitty within the domestic terminal, and not BNE.

Hope the rest of you waiting to hear have some good news soon!

Enjoy your day!

Raver :)

29th Jan 2005, 08:05
jb_flyer, thanks for the vote of confidence. Yes I am hoping that this is it but we don't get our hopes up do we? Last years debacle is still there to motivate me though, always a positive to the negative! :O

Raver thanks for the info. I hope you were enjoying a cold bevvy by the pool, if not why not? :confused:

Good luck everyone, looks like we're back on the merry-go-round.

Lets fly Jetstaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

29th Jan 2005, 08:30
Off the track a bit... did anyone else catch that Kickstart Careers prog on Ch 10 today???

had a segment on JQ recruitment with a couple of interviews. Any Pruners in that bunch? :P

Miss Pam Ann
29th Jan 2005, 09:24
Miss Pam Ann is out of JQ shortly...another space for a newbie! I am out for personal reasons....as no leave of absence is available to me...no other options I'm afraid. So all the best to all of you "stars" and best of luck to the wannabe "stars". Have fun all you lovelies....You know who you all are! I will miss you dearly :{ :{ :{

Love Miss Pam Ann xxx

"Here to save your ass honey...not kiss it!!!" ;) ;) ;)

29th Jan 2005, 09:57
Hi All....

Have just got back from my 5th day on (all earlies around 5:30am and 4 sectors) plus an hour drive home, gotta love JQs dual base...


oops sorry fell asleep :E

Yes there do need to be a few improvements around the place (cleaning and rosters are a biggy!) but don't lose heart guys. Its a foot in the door to the industry and a permanant job, so I'm happy.

Amongst the moaning and groaning I have heard a few rumours about big plans for Jetstar in the future.....wishful thinking I know, but hopefully they are true.

Best of luck guys!

Jb_flyer - thanks for your encouraging comments

30th Jan 2005, 07:10
I read that jetstar is now flying to adelaide, does this meanthat they might need to recruit more people?

2nd Feb 2005, 05:46
Miss Pam Ann,

Sorry to hear that you're leaving. I hope everything works out for you, best of luck for your future!

I'm off to the final stage tomorrow, short notice phone call this morning, so I guess this it. :ugh:

I'll let you all know how I go.

If any ppruners are there give me a wave hello.:ok:

2nd Feb 2005, 08:02
Iguana -
Good luck Mister!

Miss Pam Ann -
Where you going Girl? Gulf perhaps?

jbflyer -
DO NOT even get me started on uniforms... :yuk:

5th Feb 2005, 02:33
Iguanahead is pleased to announce that she is off to Jetstar at the end of the month.

Thankyou to all the crew on here who have been informative and supportive throughout the process. I am very grateful to all of you for helping me through, I'm sure without you all it would have been a different outcome.

I've been practising my "Lets Fly Jetstar" song already and can't wait to see you all up there in the very near future.

It'll be nice to be back in the sky. :D

5th Feb 2005, 04:03
THATS GREAT NEWS IGUANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew it would happen for you, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

You will have to keep us informed about how you are going,don't be a stranger!!

Where will you be based??


5th Feb 2005, 04:56
Thanks waiting_game, as usual your encouragement is very much appreciated, you're a gem. Can you believe it's finally happened? It's all a bit of a blur.

I'll be SYD based, so very happy about that, although the training destination is yet to be confirmed. Its for the 28th of Feb. and depends on the numbers from each state as to where it will be held.

If anyone's going for final meet and greet interview, it was great fun so just enjoy. I met some really lovely pepople from the company and other applicants, it made me want to join even more!

Let's hope we hear some more good news from the pprune site.

Good luck everybody!

5th Feb 2005, 05:39
Congratulations Iguanahead!

I remember not so long ago you had said to someone in this forum who did not make it through that "they should never give up" and that "their perseverance will eventually pay off".

Well... the same can be said to you now. Well done!

I have been following your posts for some time and I’ am truly happy that finally your potential has been realised!

I knew that with your perseverance the day would have come soon and now its here! You will be doing what you enjoy!

Good luck with training!

Best wishes!!!

Rollz :ok:

5th Feb 2005, 06:03
Iguana yes I can believe it has happened to you, what I can't beileve is that it has taken this bloody long!!! better late then never though.

From what I know you are a great person who honestly deserves this so again congrats, I'll have a few drinks for you tonight!!!.

Also thats great about being based in Sydney, good luck with your training i'm sure you wil breaze through with flying colours.

Keep in touch,

5th Feb 2005, 10:39
CONGRATS IGUANA!!!! :ok: :cool: :) :D :p :O

It was only a matter of time - you have been rewarded for your perseverance and lovely, positive & encouraging advice to others here.

All the best, and maybe we'll see you on the future PER runs!!!



5th Feb 2005, 22:37
Thanks everybody, you guys really make me feel good. You all do wonders for my ego!:E

Rollz, I guess I just needed to take some of my own advice hey! Thanks for your encouraging words.

SkySista, would love to do PER again, fantastic place, I miss it alot. And there is alot of JQ expansion on the horizon so you never know.

And waiting_game, I started the bevvies without you :\ but I can't wait to catch up for one or five soon.

Thanks again you lovely people, goes to show you're all in the right job, who wouldn't want to fly with you lot. :ok:

6th Feb 2005, 08:23
Congrats Iguanahead! Glad they are recuiting for SYD. We are SO short!

(P.S. Sorry for calling you Mister... Opps!)

6th Feb 2005, 09:35
Thanks Ditzy for the congrats. And don't worry about the gender mishap it's a common assumption with the name. I kind of like being incognito I can get away with more. If I get to catch up with you we'll have a drink and I'll tell you how I got the name, you'd never guess how. :E :eek: ;)

6th Feb 2005, 12:49
Congratulations Iguanahead! :) ;) :p :D :D :D

6th Feb 2005, 12:51
Sounds like a story...... :}

How long is your training period?????

Congrats again. It's great to hear some positive news on this thread.


8th Feb 2005, 08:38
Hi Sky,

I've been told the training is 4 weeks on the ground plus inflight training as well. Still waiting for more details to come so I'm looking forward to knowing what I'm in for.

I'll let you know. :ok:


10th Feb 2005, 00:45

woooooo hoooooooooooooo!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


18th Feb 2005, 11:11
Hi everyone,

Got some more info through today and I'm definitely off to BNE for training on the 28th. It's scheduled for 5 weeks, initially I was told 4 but maybe it has something to do with Easter in between.

If anyone else is going from here please pm me and say hi.

So what's new with everybody, do we have any more good news? Hey Jewel, how did your second interview go and have you heard anything more?

Take care all. :ok:

22nd Feb 2005, 11:38
Hey. No good with my second interview. It was a weird day for me. Completely blank with a few questions and i know i screwed up. Im not dumb but i sounded it that day :sad: Anyway i got a rejection letter. Odd thing but the next week out of nowhere (i dnt think i applied)i got a call asking if i wanted to do ground crew. Said they'd work something out and call bak in next few days. i got a call 20 mins later offering interview. :confused:

22nd Feb 2005, 12:15
Oh dear:ugh:

I'm glad i read this thread as my friend moved to Australia 2-3 years ago, is missing flying (ex ba), and is thinking of applying to Jetstar.

At BA, the best thing is definitley the people too - we are almost a lo-co carrier now (!) , but these conditions sound very unfair on you guyz n galz...

I hope your conditions improve, you certainly don't deserve to work in such conditions and be deprived of all important rest and sleep... ;)

23rd Feb 2005, 08:17
Hi Jewel,

Sorry the second interview didn't go well for you. :(

Everybody has bad days, if you decide to go through it again you'll have so much more information behind you. I know it can sound lame but perserverence really will pay off in the end, try not to let it get you down and in the meantime keep your eye on your goal.

Ground crewing will be fantastic work experience, let us know what you decide to do. :ok:


23rd Feb 2005, 10:55
Hey jewel, unfortunate to hear about your JQ interview but fingers crossed about ground crew ... i know most of their guys here on the ground in MEL love it :D :D ...

and iguanahead big congrats to you ... hope you have a ball :ok: