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View Full Version : Leuchars airshow mid 90's

23rd Jan 2005, 15:25
Hi all needing help here.I am trying to remember back to the 90s airshows at RAF Leuchars and think if there was ever a F-117 Stealth or was it a B-2 that did a fly past unexpectedly during a airshow.Can anyone confirm this or even know if it did or did not happen.
Many Thanks


Rhino power
23rd Jan 2005, 16:33
The 1996 RAF Leuchars airshow had a couple of B-1Bs from the 28th BW, maybe its B-1s instead of B-2s you're thinking of?

Regards, RP.

25th Jan 2005, 07:54
If it helps, there was a 'display' by a B1-B Lancer in '96. It was authorised to do a couple of fly-throughs and as it could only use after-burners in an 'emergency situation' it had to overshoot on several occasions and spiral sky wards with all four burning away - fantastic sight - it certainly tested the car alarms that afternoon. Very flexible crew as several members of ADStAUAS could vouch. now the gang way of a B!-B is a tick I'm unlikely to get.........
It's 'display' was just after the RAF GR1 - talk about pi55ing on your bonfire - at about 1608hrs local.
It was the same year that saw the RAF, French and Italian Aerobatic Display Teams together again at Leuchars.
Just before you accuse me of being a spotter - organising the flying and static display was one of my secondary duties for 95 & 96:-)

26th Jan 2005, 16:47
Hi thanks for all the help was myself who got mixed up so thanks to all who helped.I do remember the B-1 doing its display was a great sight 1 that i would really love to see again at Leuchars.