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View Full Version : First job up north

21st Jan 2005, 09:46
I'm a low time pilot who has moved to broome to chase that elusive first job having read that it is a good place to get a leg up...

I've been in town now for about a month and i've got to say that broome isn't the gold mine that i thought it might be.

I am currently one of around 25 pilots that i know of in town at presen waiting for the "dry".

I haven't had encouraging responses so far, I've been told that positions don't really become available until March/April, and even then there is no garentees that positions will come up and I'm wondering if their is much point in sticking around....

More people are arriving every week, what advice do you have for me?:confused:

Capt Fathom
21st Jan 2005, 10:39
Learn how to spell and when to use capital letters! What do they teach in school these days?

21st Jan 2005, 11:06
who cares?? how about giving the guy some useful information.

eh you! Pilot!
21st Jan 2005, 13:52
All I can say is keep knocking on the doors and eventually one will open up. Having been a CP , thats about the best advice I can give. Sure enough there may not be positions at the moment, but the persistence does tend to pay off, as the operators do not necessarily know when they are going to require anyone, and it is usually the person that happens to be right there when they require someone, that walks away with the job.

Hope this was of some help


John Citizen
21st Jan 2005, 22:22
25 or so unemployed pilots hanging around for that 1 or 2 jobs that might come up this season !!:(

Unfortunately that's reality,

It won't be any better in Darwin or Kununurra (it could be a lot worse).

Basically "you got to be in it to win it", no matter how small your chances are.

Some pilots hang around for several years until they get a start. Even 5 years !!

My advice is to befriend /suck up / get to know the pilots who work their. Their recommendation could do you wonders.

3 Holer
21st Jan 2005, 22:30
Try and find yourself a job on the aerodrome. Re-fuelling, washing aircraft, reception work at the local aero-club etc,. Then, as JC suggests, get to know the locals.

Good luck :ok:

21st Jan 2005, 23:19
you got to town early and thats a great thing, keep seeing the opperators much as you can without p!ssing them off. If you go at it with the right attitude and they like you they should remember you more than guys that are rocking up now.
Short lists are usually drawn up long before the first guy/gal gets put on. Its never going to be easy, so if your in it for the long hall then be prepaired to slug it out for as long as it takes!!! Unfortunatley this is all part of the GA "initiation" Its not all bad it has a tendancy to sort out those who think they might like to fly to those who realise they have no other options because simply, there is nothing else worth doing!

21st Jan 2005, 23:21
Don't "suck up"
it stands out like dogs goolies
all other advise spot on
If you can get yourself an edge over the competition somehow, either ratings, knowledge, attitude etc.

22nd Jan 2005, 01:37
Ah well, you can always go down to the Roey or Mangove for a few beers instead, Cheers!

22nd Jan 2005, 03:52
Try Driving down through Port Hedland, Karratha, and Carnarvon during quiet times. As you said nothing available until March/April in Broome, you may pick up some casual work. Target tourism operations ie: whale watching.

Hope all goes well :ok:

Titan Driver
22nd Jan 2005, 05:39
What are your qualifications/hours like Kimbobimbo?

Towering Q
22nd Jan 2005, 05:39
Or even duck across to Hells Crack.:uhoh:

22nd Jan 2005, 08:26
Jump in the car, you will be away for a week, check out Newman - haven't been there for many, many years but the twins will probably still out number the singles. You can also drop into all the towns along the way.

You probably won't get a gig on one of those unless you you have 1,000 TT and a 150 twin but the best thing might be ... competing with 5 other pilots instead of 25?

Below 10,000
28th Jan 2005, 06:01
Matey, this is my first post to PPRuNE for many years, so listen up - my advice (take it, or leave it) is to head to a town like Alice Springs where you have several companies and (I think) not too many guys waiting for jobs.

You will still wait in Alice, but the reduced number of pilots ensures that you aren't one of 50 like Kunnas/ Broome etc.

Alice is a great town, there's no beach, but it's a great place to live and fly.

Good Luck!

28th Jan 2005, 07:23
Not Alice Springs, there's been guys waiting around here for ages, certain companies down here will exploit you more than the companies up north. Some guys I know have been waiting about a year, washing planes doing 5 hours a month. Stay up North get bulk hours quickly to move you on to the next stage of your career (light twins etc).

Just some advice from someone who lives in Alice.:)

White Wagon
28th Jan 2005, 10:06
stick it out buddy, good things come to those that wait. just make sure the CP knows who you are then dont give him the sh!ts.

in the meantime do what cat says... take those dole payouts to the pub and have a few drinks, youll find stacks of pilots there...

1st Feb 2005, 00:59
Alice is a great town, there's no beach, but it's a great place to live and fly.

Yup...If yer insane dont miss the Alice
