View Full Version : Air Portugal - New livery

18th Jan 2005, 12:09
Hello to all spotters,

Please be aware that TAP - Air Portugal will present their new livery on the 2nd of February.

So better start getting your cameras ready. :ok:


Captain Efis
20th Jan 2005, 09:49
Air Portugal New Livery (http://forum.aviacao.net/viewtopic.php?t=3766&start=75)


Please look further down, any guesses which one it will be?


Cpt Efis

20th Jan 2005, 19:06
'Bout time too - the current livery must be 30 years old at least.....

Liffy 1M
20th Jan 2005, 20:57
The current Air Portgal livery was introduced in about 1982 and in my view still looks pretty good. Chances are any new livery will follow the "mostly white fuselage" route and so join all the lookalike schemes around. I hope I'm wrong about that, though.

The longest-lived colour scheme of a major airline that I can think of is Alitalia's, with Iberia's (late 70s) also of long standing. However if the scheme is a good one I don't see why it should be ditched just for the sake of change.

21st Jan 2005, 16:17
The longest-lived colour scheme of a major airline that I can think of is Alitalia's

Air India hasn't changed since the days of the 707.

21st Jan 2005, 17:53
Actually papertiger, it did change but eventually changed back again to the original (and present) version.

21st Jan 2005, 18:34
Yeah, I saw that butt-ugly 747 once. I thought it was the only one - an experiment. Did they do more ?

21st Jan 2005, 19:47
It's about time Air France changed their rather boring scheme


22nd Jan 2005, 11:33
Liffy 1M

Yep, your are not wrong, just seems like 30 yrs;). Probabaly because I fly with them nearly every week. The current livery was probably ahead of its time, hence its longevity but in this marketing orientated world nothing can stand still. Agree with you, I hope the change is not along the lines of the rest of the white body crowd...

For me the best and worse livery changes recently are:

Love it, very different and looks so good on the Tu family.

Air Canada:
Sorry but hope they didn't pay the consultants more than £5 for that. The first time I saw a 767 in it I thought it was painted all white because it had just returned from a lease with someone else.


29th Jan 2005, 09:43
Little preview sent to me by a Portuguese friend:


What do you think?

( The rest of the plane is still not ready, but that's something to go on for now )

30th Jan 2005, 18:17
It's about time Air France changed their rather boring scheme


Nooooooo. The Air France scheme is beautiful. No tack, no stupid gimmicks, just nice clean lines ........ not forgetting that it is cheap!

31st Jan 2005, 09:08
Air France has got to be one of the most boring schemes around and Judging by the tail of the TAP airbus i`m not really sure about that either
On a positive note I love Jet2 colours


Captain Efis
1st Feb 2005, 18:07

:yuk: :{ :( :hmm: :*

Judge it for yourselfs...

I don't like it, another Euro-White airline... It looks ugly on the A310.

Liffy 1M
1st Feb 2005, 20:13
What an appalling effort!

2nd Feb 2005, 07:40
As a weekly SLF with TAP all I can say is... well... nothing really. Guess they used the same agency as Air Canada..... Shame:bored:

2nd Feb 2005, 17:31
Beaufiful, simple, stylish, no fanfare!

http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=486832&WxsIERv=QWlyYnVzIEEzMjAtMjE0&WdsYXMg=QWlyIEZyYW5jZQ%3D%3D&QtODMg=TWFkcmlkIC0gQmFyYWphcyAoTUFEIC8gTEVNRCk%3D&ERDLTkt=U3BhaW4%3D&ktODMp=SmFudWFyeSA0LCAyMDA0&BP=1&WNEb25u=TmFjaG8gUGnpZHJvbGEgLSBJYmVyaWFuIFNwb3R0ZXJz&xsIERvdWdsY=Ri1HS1hK&MgTUQtODMgKE=QWlyIEZyYW5jZSAzMjAgYXBwcm9hY2ggdG8gMzMgZm9yIGx hbmRpbmcuIE5pY2UgY2xvdWRzIGJhY2tncm91bmQuIEkgbG92ZSB0aGUgc2l tcGxpY2l0eSBvZiBBaXIgRnJhbmNlIGxpdmVyeS4gQ2Fub24gMTAwLTQwMEw uIENhbm9uIDEwRA%3D%3D&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=MTg3&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwNC0wMS0xMSAwMDowMDowMA%3D%3D&ODJ9dvCE=&O89Dcjdg=&static=yes&sok=V0hFUkUgIChhaXJsaW5lIExJS0UgJ0FpciBGcmFuY2UlJyBPUiBhaXJs aW5lIExJS0UgJ1VUQSAtIFVuaW9uIGRlIFRyYW5zcG9ydHMgQWVyaWVucyBD YXJnbyAoQWlyIEZyYW5jZSklJyBPUiBhaXJsaW5lIExJS0UgJ0NvcnNhaXIg KEthYm8gQWlyIChBaXIgRnJhbmNlKSklJyBPUiBhaXJsaW5lIExJS0UgJ0Nv cnNhaXIgKEFpciBGcmFuY2UpJScpIEFORCAoTUFUQ0ggKGFpcmNyYWZ0LGFp cmxpbmUscGxhY2UscGhvdG9fZGF0ZSxjb3VudHJ5LHJlbWFyayxwaG90b2dy YXBoZXIsZW1haWwseWVhcixyZWcsYWlyY3JhZnRfZ2VuZXJpYyxjbixjb2Rl KSBBR0FJTlNUICgnKyJsaXZlcnkiJyBJTiBCT09MRUFOIE1PREUpKSAgT1JE RVIgQlkgcGhvdG9faWQgREVTQw%3D%3D&photo_nr=7&size=L