View Full Version : Interview questions and answers

17th Jan 2005, 05:32
Any one got any idea where to find out the answers to questions asked in interviews with the likes of CHC and Bristows. Questions like:

Whats the role of a Co-pilot?

What time frame do you think you should be a Captain?

Are there any books out there for preparing for these interviews with helicopter companies.


Nigerian Expat Outlaw
17th Jan 2005, 05:39
Had interviews with both of them (and others) about 15 years ago. Unless things have changed the only questions I was asked were about the time frame I expected to be Captain and what sort of wage I expected. I was never asked the role of any crew member.

I guess if you reach the interview stage it's academic, i.e. they've already more or less made up their minds based on your CV and licencing qualifications, they just want to confirm it with a face to face meeting.

Hope that helps.


17th Jan 2005, 05:45
Have been there and have been asked these questions but didnt get the job, i know lots of things could have influenced their decision but i just want to prepere myself better for the next chance. If you sound too ambitious does it effect their decision as they want you for a co-pilot and dont want you always hastling them for a promotion, or visa versa will they think you have no ambition if you dont set a realistic time frame. The interviews these days are to whittle down the last of the bunch from say 15 to 4 so every answer counts.

Nigerian Expat Outlaw
17th Jan 2005, 06:05
Aah, my apologies, clearly things have changed. I know in the case of Bristow UK they have criteria for Captaincy (total hours, night hours, IR qualification etc among others), so time to reach it is not really an issue as it depends on how many hours and other qualifying items you have/haven't got and how many hours you fly. They will put you through an IR course if you haven't got one, which is time bonded.

But I see your point, a bit of a tightrope, trying to appear keen but not too keen. Sorry I can't be of more help. Maybe there's a newly recruited Ozzie out there who could cast some light on it ? :ok:

17th Jan 2005, 13:12
There's always the eastern answer.

That you'll be ready to be captain when the senior crew, chief pilot, and yourself agree that you are ready.
And you'd like to begin the incremental journey to that point on day one.