View Full Version : Vehicles on the runway...

15th Jan 2005, 22:56
I have recently moved to the Middle East. Because of the heat during the day we gat a lot of rubber deposits from the landing aircraft....

Recently I was asked to clear aircraft to depart and land on the runway whilst people and vehicles where on the the runway threshold removing the rubber. (we only have 1 runway)

This info was included in the Atis and passed on by the Approach Controller. Papi's were switched off.

However it was a 'unique' experience for me to have personnel/vehicles on the runway at the same time as planes!

All the tower controllers were passed a verbal message to say this operation was ok by our immediate superior but all the paprwork failed to omit in black and white that it was ok for the vehicles and planes could be on the runway at the same time.

I have questions about the safety of this. Is this normal ops?? I have never experienced this before and wondered if this happens elsewhere...