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View Full Version : Greece spotters saga on TV

Oshkosh George
15th Jan 2005, 13:53
I've been informed this is to be shown on ITV1 on 20th February.
I don't know whether it is a documentary or a drama. Should be interesting.

19th Jan 2005, 12:35
Very much a drama and highly fictional. Some of the original 'gang of fourteen' have had an advanced viewing, and it's been turned into a love story.


20th Jan 2005, 11:12
A love story...

In love with what, Airbuses, 737s, hulks of 707s.?? Or heaven forbid...women!

Oshkosh George
14th Feb 2005, 18:34
A reminder to watch ITV1 next Sunday(20th) @ 2100. It's
called "Planespotting",and is a 2 hour long DRAMA(note,NOT a
documentary!),about the Greek trip made by the group in 2001.

Probably get some goofs made if nothing else! Wonder if the trippers
were involved in the production?

Worth a look/laugh!

Edited to correct title of programme

15th Feb 2005, 12:36
One of the group (the 'ringleader') was involved in the production. Despite that, I am led to believe that he and his wife have been rather embarrassed by the artistic licence used by the TV company. Hardly bears any similarity to the real case, but then again, whenever did TV reflect real life? Too bl:mad: dy boring!!

Oshkosh George
15th Feb 2005, 17:45
Never thought it would be factual,and I don't think it will be boring,but funny!

Can imagine a line like "Anybody get that Greek AF Nimrod?". And as somebody posted earlier,wouldn't be surprised if there was a love interest.

Oshkosh George
20th Feb 2005, 22:16
I take it all back! I was very impressed with that programme. I don't know exactly how accurate the portrayal,but very entertaining,and didn't really put the spotters in a ridiculous light.

I don't know just how much of the programme was shot there,but the scenes of the 'Greek' aircraft were VERY definately at Sintra,Portugal. The Cessna 337s and CASA 212s being repainted into Greek marks for filming.

21st Feb 2005, 06:48
Sorry guys, if it was anything near the truth (which I doubt) it not only made our hobby look ridiculous, but likewise it represented the group in an equal light

One part struck me, they went along a dust track singing "here we Go " to fence spot, it was Greece for goodness sake

They deservered to get pulled.

It was awful


21st Feb 2005, 12:35
Rest assured that the only factual part of the 'drama' was that a bunch of guys (plus one wife) went to Greece, looked at aircraft and got arrested. Later acquitted by the courts.

Anything else was purely for dramatic effect and did not happen.

21st Feb 2005, 12:57
and didn't really put the spotters in a ridiculous light

We must have been watching different programmes............

Oshkosh George
21st Feb 2005, 17:22
Not according to Steve of Touchdown ,who was on the trip. He said on another forum that it was close to actual events.

Well,you're obviously not a spotter then!

I\'ve taken the liberty of including Steve\'s actual post here---------------


How could I refuse after being given a cue like that from the board\'s resident Belarussian-prison-dodger!?

Most of us directly involved were given a screening a month ago, as were the press who have written the various reviews for Radio Times and this weekend\'s newspapers.

It\'s very difficult to be objective about the programme when it\'s about something that you were part of and, for a long time, took up so much of your everyday life.

The reviews that I\'ve seen for it have all been positive so far. Personally speaking I thought it was well produced and reasonably accurate (time constraints caused the biggest headache for the producers, apparently) with just the right amount of a comedic element.

Contrary to what I\'ve read in a couple of places on the wonderful www it does not make all aircraft enthusiasts/spotters/aviation buffs out to be sad anorak-wearing twits: the trailers on ITV that ran as "geeks meet the Greeks" were not sanctioned by the Granada team that produced the show and have since been pulled.

On the whole I\'d say that if you\'re a really keen spotter/photographer etc., in a relationship with one or know one as a mate pretty well then you\'ll get the "in" jokes in it and recognise all of the traits that make us who we are: I know Arthur will get where I\'m coming from when I say that!

If anyone decides to give it a couple of hours of their time tomorrow night all I can say is that I hope you enjoy it.

Best regards



21st Feb 2005, 20:35
Looks like we'll have to agree to disagree, George. Another of the group has said to me that it was nothing like what really happened. Obviously I can't name him, but I'll respect everyone's opinion on the programme. I didn't watch it myself as I was too involved at a personal level and didn't feel like watching a dramatisation.

Oshkosh George
21st Feb 2005, 20:58
Forgive me for choking,but how on earth can you comment on a programme you didn't watch?!?!


22nd Feb 2005, 09:12
Nopax, thanx

I have to agree with Oshkosh George here in that how can you comment on the programme if you haven't seen it? I respect your decision to not watch the programme because you were too closely involved, but you cannot then state:

"Rest assured that the only factual part of the 'drama' was that a bunch of guys (plus one wife) went to Greece, looked at aircraft and got arrested. Later acquitted by the courts.

Anything else was purely for dramatic effect and did not happen."

Of course, when the TV get involved they always like to make programmes that they think people want to watch rather than they actually want to watch.

I did see the programme and I don't think it was particularly good. As for what it did to our hobby, I don't think very much to be honest. I certainly saw some of the traits of some of our fraternity, but they are usullay the ones in the minority which TV people love to pick out, rather than the more mundane majority.

I felt it was sad to just concentrate on the "love interest" of Paul Coppin and Lesley. I would rather have seen more of the coutroom and lawyer side of things and also how our Embassy did or didn't help out.

This programme could have been very good but didn't make the grade.

22nd Feb 2005, 12:37
OK, I'll explain my position - I made the decision quite some time ago that I was not going to watch the programme. I was fully aware of all the facts having been involved with the families of some of the party, and this drama was not going to make any difference to what had happened.

Advance showings were arranged for them so that they could see for themselves what was going to be shown. Remember that only Paul and Lesley were involved in the making of this drama, none of the others.

My comments are purely based on what I have heard from people on the trip who have seen the programme. These I am passing on to answer the concerns of forum members such as bluetail and anyone else who may have thought that the group were reckless and irresponsible, when it has been established that the whole sorry saga was a misunderstanding and should never have gone as far as it did.

So although I did not watch it, I know what was in it and if people ask questions about the events portrayed I will do my best to give a factual answer. As BHPS says, some of the intricacies of the legal system and what went on in the courtroom doesn't make for good telly, but it was in fact the most significant part of all.

22nd Feb 2005, 15:49
Sadly I fell asleep before the end but the guy who does the Hellmans mayo ads who kept using phrases like "Bring it on" etc really did my head in.

If this was 'accurate' then I'm afraid it made spotters look geekish to me.

Just my own opinion, preparing to be flamed.

Oshkosh George
22nd Feb 2005, 15:55
Well,spotters ARE geekish to NON spotters! I think train spotters are mad,but that's MY opinion!

Are you saying everybody with a passionate interest is a geek?

22nd Feb 2005, 19:08
;) hi. i enjoyed the "Planespotters"..especially the reference the the "meeces"..that made me laugh.. it did not strike me as being a serious subject . even when they were in court..:cool: :ok:

23rd Feb 2005, 14:24
No Meeces in my prison!

24th Feb 2005, 21:08
;) not even one little "Meece"...????:D :ok: