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View Full Version : Humour and more (lighten up)

11th Sep 2000, 01:14
Table of Contents:

1. The One-Minute TIP
2. Welcome Notes
3. The Season of Healthy Discontent
4. Quotes of the Week
5. Strictly Business: The More I Do, The Behinder I Get!
6. Resources You Can Use
7. Humor: Things it Took Me 50 Years to Learn

1. The One-Minute TIP

Whatever your goals, the key is action! And, the key to action
is to make each individual action so small and safe and easy,
that you will actually do it, day after day, until you arrive
at your final destination.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - a step
that is actually taken, and one that is followed by thousands
of additional steps. Over and over again, persistence wins
the race! This fall, let your actions match your aspirations!

2. Welcome Notes

This week I had the privilege of speaking to the MBA program
at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC, and I had a
marvelous time! The program is designed for distance learning,
and if you're looking for a unique and very special Masters
program, check them out at: http://www.royalroads.ca or

And, a very nice distinction - rather than referring to
participants as "students", they are referred to as "learners".
What a great idea!

My hosts, Eric West and Deborah Wickins, couldn't have been
more gracious, and the audience was wonderful - attentive,
thoughtful, and they asked really good questions afterward.
For any speaker, that's a dream come true!

If you would like me to speak to your organization or gathering
- often for no fee! - contact me right away so we can get it
on the calendar. For all the details, visit: http://www.philiphumbert.com/Speech.htm or
Click here

And, as always, I want to welcome 161 subscribers this week,
many from Schwab.com. Apparently, someone sent a memo or
forwarded their copy of TIP's through the company, and I
noticed a flood of new addresses at Schwab. Welcome to all
of you! And, a huge THANK YOU! to each of you who encourage
your friends, family and associates to sign up. I appreciate
your support!

3: A Season of Healthy Discontent

It's September already! The neighborhood kids are back in
school and some of our Oaks and Maples are already turning
color. How can this be?

And more importantly, how are you doing on your goals for
this year?

Time goes so fast and it's easy to spend the summer enjoying
the wonders of nature. Then we get caught up in the work and
busyness of autumn, and what happens to the dreams and
aspirations we had for this millennium year?

The answer is that get "caught up" and time gets away from us.
We work hard, we do the daily chores and run the errands, and
all the little things get done, but the dreams and goals we
have for our lives, are neglected.

I've written many times about the "tyranny of the urgent".

My favorite example is a ringing telephone. Few people can
ignore a phone, or a pager, or a doorbell. We jump up from
whatever we are doing and interrupt our lives for the
convenience of whoever happens to call. In the process, too
often we sacrifice our dreams.

That may seem harsh, but isn't it the truth?

We all know of someone who sacrificed their dreams, or even
their lives, out of devotion to a loved one, or for their
country. Such sacrifice is the stuff of legends and heroes,
but fortunately, it is also rare.

For most of us, our dreams are not so much sacrificed, as
starved to death. Our dreams die because we are busy with
our chores, and we neglect the sacred obligation to create
the life we were meant to live!

There are about 10 weeks until we will again be caught up in
the celebrations of a new year. In a few weeks, family
commitments, travel and holidays will make it difficult to
focus on your goals and your most important aspirations.

But, for the next few weeks, there is a window of opportunity.
Summer is over; it's time to work. We have this brief time to
focus on our goals and pursue our dreams.

And so, I pass along a 3-step process that I use in my own life,
and I challenge you to use it, as well.

Step 1: Review and renew your goals. Review the notes you
made last New Years. Read them out loud, and congratulate
yourself on whatever progress you've made.

There is energy, creativity and courage in reading your goals
out loud. As you read your own words, describing the life
you really want and the things you want to accomplish, you'll
get excited. Your words, and your heart, will catch fire, and
your determination and commitment will be renewed.

No more excuses! No more delay! This is your "season of
discontent" and things are going to change!

Step 2: Create a plan, emphasizing the smallest steps toward
your goal. Get a calendar and plan a series of projects that
will take you in the direction you want to go. But beware the
temptation to go for it all, to bite off more than you can chew.

Most of us like big, dramatic steps and want to achieve our
goals in a hurry, but that is rarely possible. Typically, the
big steps are frightening or expensive or difficult, and so we
never actually do them. Or, we achieve them and are so proud
of ourselves that we sit down and fail to take any additional
steps. Either way, the big, dramatic challenge ends up
accomplishing very little.

Instead, remember the old joke about how to eat an
elephant: one bite at a time.

A few years ago, Bill Murray made a hilarious movie, "What
About Bob?", about a man who was so afraid of life he didn't
think he could survive while his therapist went on vacation.
To pacify him, the therapist recommends he take "Baby Steps",
and there's a wonderful scene where Murray is tied to the mast
of a sailboat, almost invisible behind a collection of life
jackets, but he manages to yell to his therapist on shore,
"Look, I'm sailing!" Baby steps allowed him to accomplish
the impossible!

Step 3: Follow through and take action! If you can make
your "baby steps" small enough, the fear and procrastination
will disappear. Anyone can make one phone call. Anyone can
save a few dollars, or read 5 pages before bed, or eat just
a little less for dinner.

Whatever your goals, the key is action! And, the key to action
is to make each individual action so small and safe and easy,
that you will actually do it, day after day, until you arrive
at your final destination.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - a step
that is actually taken, and one that is followed by thousands
of additional steps. Over and over again, persistence wins
the race! This fall, let your actions match your aspirations!

4. Quotes of the Week

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It
is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
-- Jeremy Kitson

"In each of us are places where we have never gone. Only
by pressing the limits do you ever find them."
-- Dr. Joyce Brothers

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams.
Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled
potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and
failed, but with what it is still possible for you to do."
-- Pope John XXIII

"You've got to get up every morning with a smile on your
face, and show the world all the love in your heart."
-- Carole King

5. Strictly Business: The More I Do, The Behinder I Get!

This week I consulted with the CEO of a successful family
business. In 40 years, the company has grown from one man to
about 35 employees in 5 offices. Several of the founder's
grandchildren are active in the company, and in most ways,
it's a wonderful story!

But the CEO is struggling. He works 70 hours a week, often
working 12 hours a day. He's exhausted. He's angry. He's
making mistakes - who wouldn't under those conditions? He
worries that he is a failure, and will fail to meet the needs
of the business and his family.

The reality, of course, is that the company has out-grown the
systems grandfather put in place. Some customer relationships
go back over 30 years, and have never had a written contract.
The business has always run on trust and a handshake, and
perhaps Grandfather was able to personally supervise every
employee and handle every problem.

But that was then. This CEO is not a failure and he's not
stupid and he's not lazy. He is simply trying to do a job
with inappropriate tools.

The same problem shows up in most small businesses and
professional practices at one time or another. How many of
us are still trying to run our businesses as if we can do it all?

At least half of all professionals end up running their
practices as a job, rather than as a business. Instead, learn
to run your business as an efficient, well-balanced and well-
tuned machine! Invest in systems, and technology. Invest in
the tools and skills to manage your business, so you can work
on your dreams!

William Gerber's book, "The E-myth Revisited" is an excellent
resource that makes the distinction between working in (or for)
your business, verses working "ON" your business! Your income
will go up, and your workload will go down. You'll do a better
job of serving more people - and isn't that why you went
into business in the first place?

6. Resources You Can Use:

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don't
Work and What to Do About It, by Michael E. Gerber

This is one of my favorite books, and I recommend it to all of
my clients who own a small business or professional practice.
Most entrepreneurs start with a dream. But soon, the business
either grows and threatens to take over their lives, or it fails
to grow, and that is even more difficult. The reality of
running a business, becomes exhausting. Stress goes up while
profits go down, and the owner must find a solution. Gerber
writes with insight, wisdom and compassion. He understands the
process and has powerful solutions. The book is easy reading,
but the lessons will transform your way of doing business for
years to come. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Click here to have Amazon
deliver it to your door! http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0887307280/philiphumbert or

Marketing Your Services,
by Anthony O. Putman

This is the most expensive book I recommend, and perhaps the
best bargain! This "Step-by-Step Guide for Small Businesses
and Professionals" covers every aspect of reaching your customers
and making money in practical, easy-to-follow language. I bought
it at a seminar, and it has been worth far more than the seminar!
A reviewer put it this way: "Of all the books I've read on
"Marketing Your Services" this has to be the best.... He looks
at marketing your services not as a chore you need to get through
but as a fun and challenging activity to improve the success of
your business. Everything is covered here, from finding your
niche to taking care of clients. The style is fun and informal
and includes many stories and real life examples. This is a
'must have' book if you want to attract new clients." It gets
5-stars, and I strongly agree! If you aren't making the sales,
attracting the clients, and doing the business you would like,
buy this book! Click here and Amazon will deliver it this week: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0471509485/philiphumbert or

I Could Do Anything, if Only I Knew What it Was
by Barbara Sher

This is one of the most popular books at Amazon (Rank: 215!) and
is THE book for folks who are restless, ready to move forward
and make positive changes, but aren't sure how. Not clear about
what you really want in life? Or, know what you want, but don't
know how to get started? This is a marvelous tool to help you
set goals and take action. It's easy to read, very practical,
very gentle -- and very powerful! Most reviewers at Amazon give
it 5 stars, and I agree! Every professional should have it on
their desk! And, anyone who's frustrated, stuck, or not sure
how to move forward and create the life they really want, NEEDS
this book! Order it today by clicking here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0440505003/philiphumbert or

For many other books that I have personally read and highly
recommend, visit my website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com/Books.htm or

7. Humor: Things it Took Me 50 Years to Learn

I'm not sure if this was sent in honor of my 50th birthday, but
the timing is perfect. It came from my friend and long-time
subscriber, Richard Ross, in beautiful Ashland, OR. Thanks,


1. Never under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a
laxative on the same night.

2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason the human
race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full
potential, that word would be "meetings."

3. There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

4. People who want to share their religious views with you
almost never want you to share yours with them in return.

5. And when God, who created the entire universe with all of
its glories, decides to deliver a message to humanity, He will
NOT use as His messenger, a person on cable TV with a bad haircut.

6. You should not confuse your career with your life.

7. No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take
it too seriously.

8. When trouble arises and things look bad, there is always
one individual who perceives a solution and is willing to take
command. Very often, that individual is crazy.

9. Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

10. The most powerful force in the universe is gossip.

11. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is
not a nice person.

12. Your friends love you anyway.


Be kind to yourself and to someone else, and have a
wonder-FULL week!

Philip E. Humbert, PhD,
Resources for Success!(tm)

Shameless Marketing TIP:
Dr Humbert is a coach, author and popular speaker. For
a limited time, he is available to speak to your group or
organization for NO professional fee! For information,
visit http://www.philiphumbert.com or

What could you achieve with a personal coach to encourage and
support you? To review over 250 pages of free tips, tools and
resources, including a motivational screensaver and a free
book on financial independence, visit our website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com

Copyright (c) 2000, all rights reserved.
U.S. Library of Congress ISSN: 1529-059X
You may copy or distribute TIP's so long as this copyright
notice and full information about contacting the author are
attached. The author is: Dr Philip E. Humbert. Contact
him at: mailto:[email protected], or at (541) 342-1030.