View Full Version : Passengers Announcement

10th Jan 2005, 10:29
Hi everybody,

could anyone of you, damas y caballeros, be so kind to translate in spanish for me this passengers announcement?

Thanks in advance !!!

"Ladies & Gentleman, good morning/good afternoon/good evening from the flight deck, this is the first officer speaking: my name is and I would like to welcome you again on board of this aircraft in service from...to.... . We just reached our crusing altitude of... , our crusing speed is .... and we're now overflying the city of...(which you can see on your left/right hand side). We expect to land in about....minutes. Latest weather reports we have for... are showing clear/cloudy sky, rain, snow, light/strong wind, temperature of.... . Once again, on behalf this airline and today's crew, I would like to (apologize for the delay) thank you for flying with us today, we appreciate your business and we'll do our best to make your stay on board as much safe and confortable as we can. Thanks very much for your attention and enjoy this journey."

10th Jan 2005, 14:21
Señoras y Señores, bienvenidos a bordo. Les habla el copiloto desde la cabina de vuelo. Me llamo...... Hoy volamos desde ....... a .......
Nuestro nivel de crucero es...... y nuestra velocidad ...... Estamos sobrevolando ....... (por la izquierda o derecha).....Estimamos tomar tierra en aproximadamente ...... minutos donde las condiciones meteorologicas son ........,........,.........,y con una temperatura exterior de....... grados. Una vez más le damos las gracias por volar con nosotros. Agradecemos su confianza ofreciendoles un vuelo comodo y seguro. Muchas Gracias por su atencion y Feliz Viaje!:ok:

10th Jan 2005, 14:33