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8th Jan 2005, 10:21
Does anyone know the score of the knocker FRI, it was due to run for three years and then be reviewed. But in the light of the current climate, are they planning to knock it on the head even earlier?

Stupid Boy
8th Jan 2005, 18:24
Just got mine in last month's pay so ta very much Auntie Betty!! As far as I know the FRI will only run for the original 3 years for NCA, this having been the second year. I have not heard of any plans to cut it or to extend it. I am still puzzled as to why they pay it at my 17 year point. I am hardly going to leave when I am this close to my IPP :confused:

Spot 4
9th Jan 2005, 11:30
"I am still puzzled as to why they pay it at my 17 year point. I am hardly going to leave when I am this close to my IPP "

.....because it encourages youngsters to stay beyond 12 years and after FRI you are in the pension trap. Too many folk were seeing the light of day at 8 or 12 years to maintain status quo; recruiting NCA without being trade specific should sort out any remaining drama`s.

Therefore you are a classic example that the `system` works!

9th Jan 2005, 19:19
How much is it after Gordon the Ba*!ard has taken his cut?

9th Jan 2005, 19:32
Take 40% off and you will not be too far wrong. Anything more than that and it is a bonus!!!

DP Harvey
9th Jan 2005, 20:06
Stupid Boy,
When an NCA is considering what to do when he reaches his 12 yr point, he can now take into consideration the FRI he will receive in 5 years time at the 17 yr point, should he choose to stay in. Without such an incentive, he may view the 10yr span to his pension at 22 yrs too far ahead to be a factor in his immediate future plans.

The FRI is very much part of a long term strategy for use with our latest recruits in due course. The RAF will always want a core of good people to stay until their middle age. Accordingly, I think the FRI should not be viewed as a vulnerable issue in this redundancy period.

The reasons the FRI was given a 3 yr trial are:

Its a new concept and common sense says that it would be foolish to write it in stone at the outset. A trial period is needed, if only to make sure that the rules and policy statements are clear and unambiguous.

IMHO 3 yrs was chosen because there will be sufficient potential departees and recipients in that period whose "loyalty" can be monitored as a performance indicator.

Lastly, if the policy needs a tweak, then the sooner it can be done the better. Again 3 yrs should be enough time to judge if it needs any changes.

My own view is that FRI is working well. Nobody I know of, has voluntarily left the RAF with the FRI on the horizon nor has anyone PVR'd before their 22 yrs, during this trial period.

It would be a very foolish decision to abandon the scheme just because we are going through a cull.

10th Jan 2005, 13:42
Has anyone heard anything about NCA PAS being offered to those who are eligible for it this year?

10th Jan 2005, 14:05
Surely a 3 year 'trial' is flawed if, as you say, it is there to encouage those approaching their 12 year point to stay on? If the FRI is given at the 17 year point and is on 'trial' for a 3 year period then only those at 14 years service or more will benefit, therefore the trial does not actually consider those for who you say the FRI is aimed at :rolleyes:

How about a retention bonus at the IPP to keep those in that would otherwise be lured away by their gratuity?

MadMark!!! :mad: