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6th Jan 2005, 13:02
Hi my fellow Aviator friends...

I've got a problem....
I had a very lengthy conversation with my father about me and aviation, and he was not impressed. He began to ask:

Why do you want to be a pilot?
How many black pilot's have you seen in a cockpit (uk pilots that is)
Why do you want to choose a career where you are out of work most of the time?
If you were in America, you stand a chance, but not Europe, especially the Uk!!

I really tried to persuade him that things are different now; but are they really.

I can't even get answers from the Caa!!! at this time...

Am I waisting my time....or am I destine to be a lawyer or doctor or another wealthy rap artist??

Please anyone who can help point me in the right direction please. I really do not want to give up my dream TO FLY..

Cheers Skyfever

:cool: st. lucia simply beautiful:ok:

6th Jan 2005, 13:13
Yes its true that there is risk involved, but there is risk involved with everything.

Its down to you what you want to do with your life. Most pilots flying because they love flying and its the only thing they want to do.

6th Jan 2005, 13:51
Why are there no black pilots? Because their fathers didn't encourage them!

Sorry to be facile here but, perhaps that's the reason.

1. How many pilots has your father seen. If on television, that is hardly representative. What about Roger Murdoch in Airplane?
2. Historically a lot of pilots came from the Armed Services; not reknowned for its egalitarianism.
3. Why should the CAA keep race statistics?? I don't understand the relevance for them -a pilot is a pilot. Similarly, they don't keep specifically stats for gender either!

Your chances are no better or worse here than in USA (especially if it is race we are talking about. There may be better employment prospects there at the moment but these things always change.

Do some research on WHY you want to do it and go back to your father with it.

Failing that, become a wealthy rap artists and use your own money to train as a pilot!



6th Jan 2005, 14:53
The biggest obstacles you face are time and money

The colour of your skin is irrelevant.

In terms of statistics ethnic data is not collected by the CAA as far as I am aware.

You could ask HR departments of major airlines about % but that may give rise to more questions than answers

Why are only 2% of airline pilots female...?

Detailed pilot progression information is not freely available as yet from the CAA....

Joe McGrath
6th Jan 2005, 15:58
As the sales guy at Bristol Flying Centre, I am always amazed at the diversity in our students. We have done over 100 IRs last year alone and I am proud to say that we had people from every part of the world, every creed colure and sex, and long may it continue.

Aviation is a GLOBEL business, if you think the colour of your skin is a reason not to pursue a dream, you are wrong. I think you don’t want that dream enough. I have students who have put EVERTHING they have on the line, House, wife, kids to try and get there dream job. You are no different from them, stop asking your Father what you can and can’t do, get up, go out the door and do it. If you can’t manage that then you are not ready to take peoples lives in your hands anyway.

And to suggest that airlines would look at the colour of your skin in an interview is doing them a HUGE disservice.

As has been said above.. A pilot is a pilot....

6th Jan 2005, 16:33
Thanks guys

I quite happy I have people like you to support me in times like this...

I have taken what you all have said on-board and am proud even more to be a member.

It puts everything more in to perspective.

I just got to go out there and do it.....



st. lucia simply beautiful:ok: