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View Full Version : Pull up ringtone

4th Jan 2005, 08:50
Ello there guys/gals, I know of someone that has the whoop whoop, pull up, pull up as their ringtone. Been trying to search for it with no success. Can anyone help?

4th Jan 2005, 09:25
It may depend on the phone they have - if you have a phone cabable of playing MP3's then it is easy - you can download WHOOP WHOOP Pull up from a few sites on the net, and then you need to transfer it to your phone. (via SD card reader or Bluetooth, or IR).

I have not seen it sold on phone ringtone sites as a Polyphonic Ringtone or Realtone.

Here is a link to a page with another link to Terrain Terrain:
Whoop Whoop Thread (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=157728)

I have these and a few others on my phone, but I dont use them, cause quite frankly you sound like a ****** using them! :)

Super Cecil
4th Jan 2005, 09:30
I think you really mean "Wank Wank, pull up, pull up" :E

Duff Man
5th Jan 2005, 04:50
about as funny as joking about bombs at check in. another good reason to keep the phones off inside aircraft.

6th Jan 2005, 02:36
Im curious as to the possible responses to an incoming phone call .

imagine if your phone rang while you were on approach at night.......would you take 4 seconds to ascertain that it was the PHONE and not the GPWS ?

or would you just instantly firewall the thing then pull it to idle and resume the approach when you realised it was the phone ?

either way , sounds like a recipe for skidmarks followed by coffee with BASI.

The Messiah
7th Jan 2005, 08:44
is a good ringtone to programme for crew control when you are on reserve.