View Full Version : Oxford 28th Feb

31st Dec 2004, 17:18
Well hopefully this is allowed,

Looking for anyone starting at Oxford either for APP or modular Groundschool on the 28th February 2005 obviously:) for a house share.Already have 1 housemate lined up starting APP,it will be for a 6month lease.I'm on the modular groundschool.If Interested get in touch through a PM.

Regards :ok:

2nd Jan 2005, 23:32
Word of advice boss - stay away from Finders Keepers accomodation agency. Cowboys if ever I've met any. Left me more penniless than Oxford!

3rd Jan 2005, 00:24
A bird I know in Oxford said the same thing about finders keepers - ie avoid

3rd Jan 2005, 11:39
Ah well not looking for the place,just another housemate,but appreciate the advice.:D


5th Jan 2005, 15:41
EGAC_Ramper is a bit of a weirdo and not the ideal housemate, it was bad enough having to be in the same hotel as you for a night:E

Nah just kidding, as long as you don't mind his funny accent and hilarlious sense of humour, you'll love him:ok:

5th Jan 2005, 19:06
Why thankyou,I'll remember that comment when your after free tickets! lol :p