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27th Dec 2004, 22:29
Being someone who grew up in a relaxed western culture (more specifically, Canadian), I was wondering what is it like to work for a HK company (specifically, CX)?

28th Dec 2004, 02:18
All things considered, I think flying with CX is one of the better aviation careers you can have in Canada if you can adapt to the lifestyle that comes with long-haul flying.

Half the North American based freighter pilots with CX are Canadians, not surprisingly. And I don't know of any who are looking to leave CX for a Canadian-based carrier any time soon.

28th Dec 2004, 21:43
First of all, you need to convert to Canadian license which takes some time and money. Second, the pay in Canada is not that great. Air Canada is fully unionize and the company just came out of Chapter 11. West Jet is a LLC and the pay isn't that good, but it got an awesome work environment and no union redtape to deal with. Plus they got stock options and some of the pilots are paper millionaires (at least that's what the industrial paper said when I did my univeristy paper). There's also HMY and Jet Go but they're smaller than West Jet.

30th Dec 2004, 16:15
>First of all, you need to convert to Canadian license which takes some time and money.

Actually, it doesn't cost you a cent and takes no time at all -- IF you get on with CX. With a Canadian ATPL, all you need to do is write four HK CAD exams. The fees are taken care of by CX as are all the exam registration details. And they provide you with a few short courses and notes that WILL prepare you for the course. All this is done within the first two weeks of joining. You'd be surprised at how little effort this takes.

>Second, the pay in Canada is not that great.

If you are not already in the seriority list of a major Canadian carrier, I'd say the starting pay with CX on the North American freighter operation is pretty decent -- better than any major Canadian carrier's starting pay.

30th Dec 2004, 19:19
Well I saw koenma's other post asking about the cadet program so I assume she's in the same shoes I'm in, which is no flying experience. Assuming the likes of us get in via the CX cadet program, the only license we have is a HK one. This mean if a person decide to leave CX and join up with a Canadian airline, he or she would need to convert and I don't know if Transport Canada will let you do it stright convert with just a few exams. I have heard a taxi driver in Vancouver that use to be Iranian 747 captain.

Of course you can still bid for foreign basing when you get on the seniority list in CX and commuit if needed. From my research USA does not require Canadian citizens to get an Air Crew Visa. So you can live in Vancouver and be based in LA or New York, the commuit would be bad tho.