View Full Version : shut up floaty

23rd Dec 2004, 21:48
floaty i have followed your threads for some time back in the days when you were going for interview after interview with no success.i was so pleased for you when you finally got appointed even if it was for the scratch cards,pringles,headsets and cheap wine brigade.since then you have somehow managed to get into BA even with your negative attitude towards us.so girl be grateful
for the privaledge position you have been given as thousands would give their right arm to get onboard.
look forward to seeing you one day maybe on WW fleet.


BA Boi
23rd Dec 2004, 22:03
Here, here shoegal - i agree with you FULLY! I too remember the days before she managed to weasel her way into our airline, when her attitude was highly negative towards us. Her 'elation' at getting the job with us was short-lived, as she has now returned to her moaning ways. Pity, but i suppose it was to be expected. :yuk:

24th Dec 2004, 02:03
hi people

since when did pprune become a place where we are able to post, and bash other members.

im sorry but you guys should be ashamed of what u wrote, we all have our own opinions of people. Just keep them to yourself.

Im also sure that if you are employees of BA you have a winge as well? Or am i wrong?

It's christmas time, give her a break. SHe is probably just settling into her new role.

Wishing u all a very merry xmas:O

24th Dec 2004, 07:32
Quite right nickmelb - PPrune isn't a forum created for abusing other users.

shoegal & BA Boi consider yourslves on a final written warning