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View Full Version : Waynes movies to be released in the spring.

22nd Dec 2004, 17:15
Just read that John waynes movies'The high and the mighty"and'I
sland in the sky " to be released,enhanceD?,on DVD in the spring.....

PPRuNe Pop
22nd Dec 2004, 18:43
If that is true it is indeed great news. After BEags I will try and get the second copy! ;) ;) :ok: :D

In fact I will go into HMV first thing in the morning. :p

22nd Dec 2004, 18:58
The hell ya' will...

22nd Dec 2004, 20:01
Hang on there, pilgrim...

This was announced back in September with a (US) availability of May 2005 (Paramount now owns most of JW's films). I might even have to buy a DVD player now :\

22nd Dec 2004, 20:40
Paper tiger's right, although I missed the earlier release info..
TV Week(dec25th)page 6 stipulates that Paramount Home Video to release 'restored' 'Hatm'(54)(filmed I believe in panavision),and shortly after to release'Island in the sky'(53),based on the O'conner incident? Labrador....

23rd Dec 2004, 00:04
Yep, High and the Mighty was in Panavision.
Lake O'Conner, alas, is no more. It was drowned in the La Grande Reservoir with the construction of the James Bay hydroelectric project.

23rd Dec 2004, 02:43
What was the O'Conner incident?

PPRuNe Pop
23rd Dec 2004, 06:47
One of the best rescues of a great aviator from a frozen lake in Labrador.

It is detailed in Ernest Gann's "Fate is the Hunter" - don't ask me where you get a copy - they are rarer than hen's teeth.

PT. I think you will find that the Wayne family own the two films in question, and negotiations have been going on for years to get them released.

23rd Dec 2004, 08:12
Shouldn't be that difficult to get PPRuNe Pop - Amazon have them for dispatch within 24 hours.

PPRuNe Pop
23rd Dec 2004, 10:54
That is good to hear. They must know a good reprint when they see one.

Just as an aside. I passed Amazons premises whilst on a train recently and they are most impressive. Huge would be a gross understatement. 4 enormous warehouses plus offices.

23rd Dec 2004, 12:19
Just bought a copy at Borders - not allowed to read it till christmas.

23rd Dec 2004, 15:52
Pop, you're confusing your Gann ;) (drop and give me 10).
Island in the Sky and Fate is the Hunter are two different books, the former is the Lake Conner story the latter about a DC-4 crash.
FitH was filmed with Glenn Ford as the investigator and a weird Hollywood concoction as the "DC-4".

PPRuNe Pop
23rd Dec 2004, 16:48
Ah well I stand corrected.

Bit of a co-incidence in the names - which led me to think that. You are obviously a bit of a buff on this so expound a bit if you will. Let people get the flavour before they buy the DVD's.

I'm suprised I didn't get me butt kicked by BEags! :ouch:

23rd Dec 2004, 17:58
I do have most of Gann's books, but can't comment on the two films in question because like just about everyone else, I haven't seen them. Gann did do the screenplay for Island in the Sky but how faithful it is to the book I don't know.

You can find reviews via the web and I have to say they are not very complimentary, but probably not written by a Gann/aviation fan.
High and the Mighty seems to get a better reception.
Fate is the Hunter was OK on the whole IMO, allowing for the inevitable Hollywood 'touches'.

I got excited a while back when I learned someone was collecting DC-3s to film Band of Brothers, but it turned out to be the Stephen Ambrose book of course, not Gann's (which should have required a Ju52) . Good series anyway.

And speaking of films, what ever happened to the "Candy Bomber" (Berlin Airlift) project ? Two DC-4s were ferried from California to North Weald and then... nothing :confused:

23rd Dec 2004, 19:11
High and the Mighty with wayne,robert stack Bill campbell(as the 2 F/o)and a high cast(robert newton,Claire trevor.etc)was well recieved in54,and as Gann says in his book( hostage to fortune) 'a good flying movie".....
"Island in the sky'was the first Gann film(B/W)described in some circles as semi documentaryWayne,LLoydNolan James Arness Andy devine..As stipulated based on the Oconner story from 'Fate is the Hunter"as stipulated a terrible fiasco of a film,very loosely around the book...(where did they get that DC6/9 crash from???