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16 blades
15th Dec 2004, 18:11

A case of 'Deny it until they can prove it', I suppose. The question now must be, how much else has this lot got away with by setting up whitewash inquiries?

Shame, I actually quite liked Blunkett. At least he had balls (for a leftie).


15th Dec 2004, 18:24
If he had less active balls, he'd still be in a job!:O

15th Dec 2004, 18:37
Lets work on getting the rest of the 'Orwelian' masters out too!!

Pontius Navigator
15th Dec 2004, 18:50
Apart from blind flying what has this got to do with Prune except for buffon.

15th Dec 2004, 18:53
David Bonk-ett was one of the few decent labour politicos. A pity it's him, not slimeballs like Bliar and Buff who has resigned....

16 blades
15th Dec 2004, 19:28
I guess the moral of the story is:

Hell hath no fury like.........a ball busting American hyperbitch scorned!

I still would, though.

Hopefully this'll start the ball rolling and bring down, Bliar, Buff and the lot of them. Eventually.....


15th Dec 2004, 19:28
To bring the thread vaguely back to a military context - what is it about Army officers that turns them onto politics? Current crop of Tory MPs includes three ex SAS (Andrew Robathan ex Guards/22, Julian Brazier ex 21 and David Davis ex 23) plus others, but no ex RN/RAF.

I'm guessing that Tebbit must have done National Service - was he a commercial pilot before he worked for BALPA?

15th Dec 2004, 20:05
Tebbit was at BOAC and prior to that did National Service. I thought I once read that he flew Hunters (he crashed one), but two sites I've just checked say he joined BOAC in 1953, which would have made flying the Hunter on a front-line sqn just a little awkward....

Sleeve Wing
15th Dec 2004, 20:34
a_a and Archimedes.
A good few years ago, Norman Tebbitt came on to my Flight Deck and had a chat.
Yes, he was National Service but flew Meteors.
Next move was to BOAC as F/O on 707's.
The BALPA bit is history.

Rgds, Sleeve. :ok:

Good Mickey
15th Dec 2004, 20:34
Nice chap Blunkett, as for his 'bit on the side'......I don't know what he saw in her!!!!!!


15th Dec 2004, 20:55
Most coppers would probaby disagree with the 'OK guy' handle for Blunkett. Bit like me saying I quite like Buff!!!

Fg Off Kite
15th Dec 2004, 21:02
Actually, he doesn't know he's resigned yet, he just thinks he's signed Blair's passport application.....

15th Dec 2004, 21:29
Fg Off Kite.......lololol :D :D

Beags, GM, you cannot be serious with regard to Blind Pue being a good egg? Compared to who????

15th Dec 2004, 21:29
Personally, as a tory-voter, I am gutted for the cabinet loosing Blunkett... I honestly could not have expected the tories to have been so hard line on issues that actually matter, such as terrorism, national ID cards, the DNA Database, all at the same time keping those idiots from the human rights lobby at bay.

The chap may have messed up, but as far as I am concerned, this is a sad day for and as far as I can see, his man was the only decent member of our current Cabinet. I hope for all our sakes, some soft sod does not take his job on.

15th Dec 2004, 21:35
Too late! It's the erstwhile Education Secretary! God help us now!!!!!

15th Dec 2004, 22:10
So, is Mr [G]hoon going to do the "decent thing"?...don't hold your breath

15th Dec 2004, 22:24
I'd some recollection that 'On Yer Bike' Norman was an Auxiliary, flying Meteor 8s, perhaps after National Service.

I'm glad that Blunkett's gone. He demonstrated his personal integrity only too clearly for my liking (having earlier demonstrated his naked ambition and utter lack of principal by jettisoning his insane but supposedly sincere left wing beliefs), and I don't think that being the most illiberal and heavy handed Home Secretary since the war is a great thing for the country, to be honest.

16th Dec 2004, 03:16
Andrew Murrison MP is a Tory MP who is ex regular RN, then joined the RNR and was mobilised (albeit briefly) last year. Currently MP for the Warminster area IIRC.

The Swinging Monkey
16th Dec 2004, 07:11

'tis rare that I would contemplate disagreeing with you, but I regret on this occasion I must do so.

Blunkett did do a vast amount of good for this country, and I have nothing but praise for him on that score, however......
the man 'effectively' stole from the nation by giving free 1st class rail tickets for his bit on the side. (not to mention the visa application) That makes him a thief.

Now I know it's trivial, but if you or I had done it, we would have been court martialled and out!! We would have lost our job and career, our pensions blah! The same goes for police officers, prison officers etc.

Some will say 'ah yes, but he has paid the money back' well thats hardly the point is it? Should we let off burglars if they hand their ill-gotten gains back to the victim? Me thinks not.

Rant over!
May I offer you and everyone a safe, happy and peaceful Christmas and all good wishes for 2005.

Kind regards
The Swinging Monkey
'Carutheras, send a bottle of my finest round to BEags' and lets Party!!!'

16th Dec 2004, 07:49
One admires Blunkett for being "so hard line on issues that actually matter, such as terrorism, national ID cards, the DNA database, all at the same time as keeping those idiots from the human rights lobby at bay" as was stated by mbga9pgf earlier.

But yes, when his bolleaux ruled his brain and Blunkett became Bonkitt, subsequent proof of his evident lack of personal integrity meant that he had no option but to resign.

Hmm, my wrinkled old retainer Scrotum is behaving rather oddly and smells of whisky. That's his Christmas orange gone for a burton! You did tell Carruthers that the bottle was not for Scrotum's consumption, didn't you? Compliments of the season, but in the words of Paul Teutel Sr: "Ho ho ho my ar$e!"

16th Dec 2004, 12:31
Blunkett said in his defence "but I paid the money for the tickets back". However, that would not have happened if he had not been caught out - so yes, he is a thief.

He stole money from you and I and gave it to his girlfriend.

If you or I tried to travel for free on the nation's railways then we would face a fine as punishment and have a criminal record.

Losing your job is not punishment - it is a consequence. I recall attending a Courts Martial as an Officer Under Instruction and the President was at pains to point out that if convicted, the defendant would be given a punishment AND be dismissed from the service, but that the dimissal was NOT a part of the punishment. The dismissal was a consequence of his being a convicted criminal - and therefore someone who was barred from membership of the armed forces.

As such, Blunkett may be considered to have got off lightly.

16th Dec 2004, 12:55
Norman Tebbit flew Meteors. I think he signed on for a bit longer than National Service. A friend of mine served with Norm and and met up with him at a reunion recently.

The Swinging Monkey
16th Dec 2004, 14:14

I think you may have had a bit too much of the old Grouse my dear old chap!

BEagle, I have instructed caruthers to mark the bottle for your personal attention only and also told him NOT to have anything to do with that old Scrotum of yours!!!

My best wishes to you all