View Full Version : Which job looks better on resume?

11th Dec 2004, 06:47
Hi all,

once again, needing good advice I am turning to the trusty CC forum.

I have applied for two jobs that I think I have a reasonable chance of getting.

One is in a lunch bar making sandwiches and serving for three days a week.

The other is with inflight catering basically cleaning galley trolleys and suchlike.

Financial/lifestyle considerations aside, which would look better on a resume for CC work? I need work while I am waiting, and I can't decide which would be better.

Obviously the catering one means being 'in the industry' already - but no customer service.

The lunchbar one would involve lots of customer contact.

(Have to admit my preference is for catering, I've thought it sounds like fun & different)

Which do you guys think I should take if I am lucky enough to have to decide??? I'm going for a trial run at the lunchbar on Monday and I need to figure out whether I will take it or not if it is offered to me. The catering job is 5 days a week (preferable given my money situation at the moment....but if customer contact will improve my chances of CC job i nlong run I'll take that instead)

Ta for any opinions (c'mon, i know you got 'em!!! :E )


11th Dec 2004, 07:15
Hey Sky,

Customer Service experience has gotta be a defo plus in any CC recruiters eyes!!!

Take that one, and push for more hours once you've started!

11th Dec 2004, 09:52
There's no such thing as having "too much" customer service experience.

If it were me I'd go with the lunch bar, but if the finances don't permit it at least with the other job you can show a varied work history.

11th Dec 2004, 10:05
defo go for the customer contact role it'll stand you in better stead for any future customer contact job

11th Dec 2004, 12:12
Thanks everyone.... much as I thought... CS is better to have....

the only thing is, I'm worried if I pass up the catering job there won't be anything else 'in the industry' that I'm qualified for.... once just after I finished school a job came up cleaning a/c on turnarounds... I didn't take it and I later heard some of 'em got jobs on the ground doing CS stuff...... d'oh!!

So, I'm kinda in two minds about this.... I'm leaning towards the catering one at the moment due to the money thing.... as for a variety of experince...I've worked as a cleaner before, and in catering... so I don't really see how they'd think of it as increasing my work range.....?


I guess if I was really crazy (and insomniac requiring 6 hours of sleep) I could do both.... one finishes as the other begins.....:}
Yeah.... it could work.....! ;)
