View Full Version : Where has the Christmas spirit gone?

8th Dec 2004, 08:33

8th Dec 2004, 10:00
Question is "Has there ever been a Christmas spirit"? Cause looking at the rat race makes one wonder if some folks are malfunctioning robots:E

8th Dec 2004, 15:26
Bah! Humbug!

Just another day where I have to stop operations for the working class to take a day off and be with their families....bah humbug I say!


8th Dec 2004, 17:01
It's here.


8th Dec 2004, 19:26
Its not here either ......

Whos your Papua? (http://www.jibjab.com/xmas/play.asp?contentid=26&groupid=2)

Gomer Pylot
9th Dec 2004, 00:47
Well, SASless, I must not be one of the working class, because I don't get the day with my family. There are no holidays in the oil patch, just like it never rains there. Just another working day for me. :mad: :{

9th Dec 2004, 00:51
Santa was a bit nervous as he strapped into his sleigh for his annual checkride, even more so when he noticed that the examiner was carrying a shotgun. "What is that for?" Santa asked.

"You just might lose one right after takeoff," the FAA employee said.

9th Dec 2004, 00:55
But Gomer....look at the bright side....you get to experience the pleasure of that special bond between man, machine, and the uncontrolled skies of the Gulf of Mexico. You will be with all your favorite people.... Thibodeaux....Fouchard....Bubba.....and Earle. You can watch twelve football games on two TV channels, do the dishes, and still have time to catch the laundry up. Why heavens, you might even get to sneak a peak at the news if they all nod off after dinner.....just remember to turn the channel selector back to ESPN.

Gome ol' buddy...you know you just wouldn't have it any other way....No sir....you have found your piece of heaven.