View Full Version : Thomsons HUY - AGP No longer!!

30th Nov 2004, 14:35
The BBC has reported today that Thomsons have withdrawn its Humberside to Malaga service.

This is a ferther blow to Humberside, when it has worked hard for many years to establish the few flights it has.

Thomsons have said that the flight will still operate from its new Robin Hood airport.:confused:

Looks to me like their new base at Doncaster is not what it was cracked out to be and the passengers booked from HUY are simply been moved to help fill their new service.

Humberside had established routes, the development of new services should have come from Humberside, where there is a proven track record.

Dirty rotten :mad: or simply a wise business move?

30th Nov 2004, 14:53
How much of this will be to do with the TOM routes from DSA - I am betting that AGP will be among the routes launched.

30th Nov 2004, 17:59
AGP has already been announced by Thomson as a charter for all next summer at DSA.

Its a wise move by Thomson as HUY probably hasn't been selling well so to cut any losses they decided to transfer the passengers to DSA. Before you try and say the loads at DSA are weak why has it been constantly in the top 5 best selling U.K airports for 05 bookings......even before it has opened!