View Full Version : Vs075 27/11/04

The Rookie
29th Nov 2004, 01:15
Our flight took off about 20 minutes late from Manchester and as a pilot myself I was following out progress out of the window. We were just approeaching Llandudno in N Wales when we did a 90 degree turn to thew right and headed towards IOM / Blackpool. I casually said to Mrs Rookie that I hope we do not have a problem and are returning to Manchester.

No sooner have I said this than the captain makes an announcement that we have a loose panel on one of the wings and he will dump fuel over the Irish sea for the next 20 minutes and then return to Manchester to get it looked at.

Please do not shoot me down for asking if anyone knows any more information on this. As a PPL I was obviously following things as they progressed and was wondering what had happened.


Vont phood
29th Nov 2004, 10:41
sounds like the crew followed procedures and landed safely back at MAN. What more is there to know?

phoenix son
29th Nov 2004, 11:59
I could be wrong, but it sounds to me that what happened is this;

1/ Flight took off 20 minutes or so late

2/ Whilst in the climb, a panel appeared to be loose on the wing

3/ Emergency return to departure alternate initiated

4/ Problem fixed, 400-odd holidaymakers jet off to MCO happy...

:E :E :E


J Class
29th Nov 2004, 12:00
Vont phood, where are you from??

It says that you are from the UK, but your knowledge of understanding the English language is somewhat narrow! Yes people like you annoy others and me with posts like yours!!


The Rookie wrote a completely innocent thread giving a brief description of a flight he was on that had to turn back after a short period in the air. (Link to photo of the incident below).

All “The Rookie” asked was that if someone could give him any specific information with regards to the premature return of his flight? Quite simple really!! I hope the pic gives some clues Rookie.

I have no doubts that the crew did follow procedures and landed safely.



29th Nov 2004, 12:09
Vont phood... you are a prat!

not to mention that you've only just registered!

Get a life mate!:ok:

29th Nov 2004, 12:22
It amazes me that people still get surprised by replies like vont phood's!

Vont phood
29th Nov 2004, 15:04
It amazes me that people still get upset by replies like mine!! Why just pick on me guys, Phoenix son replied in the same tone as I did?

The original post contains all the information on the incident, so what extra is required? The full maintenance history of the a/c? How it was fixed?

To my mind he has all the info he needs direct from the crew.

Hey, is this the same Farrell who posted unchecked info on the Gulfstream, oooppps that should be Challenger, accident? You might have registered before me matey but you can still look a clown!! If you don't like my view point fair enough, but leave the abuse in your head will you.

29th Nov 2004, 15:20
this is J Class's link to the a/c photo ...... photo remarks mention a problem with a left wing panel ....

the thing that always worries me with panels coming away in flight is what damage they may have done over their departure track .....



Notso Fantastic
29th Nov 2004, 16:32
I think Vont Fhood had it in a nutshell. Panel fell off, aircraft returned, 45 minutes later departed again? Panel would no doubt be fibre glass or small flat light alloy metal, fluttering down harmlessly like a sycamore seed- probably stuck up in a tree with a disgruntled crow eyeing it suspiciously. Drama over. No need to take up R & N with such a nonentity of an enquiry. What more is there to say? What was expected?

J Class
29th Nov 2004, 17:37
Notso Fantastic

You seem to have missed the point as well!

What don't you understand about the question asked in the thread posted by The Rookie???

I think the original thread posted might have been asking what the exact panel was that had come open and what it is for????

Vont phood did not have it in a nutshell as you quoted, hence the response he received from his thread.

It's quite simple as I mentioned earlier. A guy asks for a little more information than he originally had and would have been grateful of any information received regarding the incident. He obviously thought that the people who view this website would be kind enough to give him some more info. Why wouldn’t he??

Let's hope that whoever reads the original thread and who knows more about what the panel was for can let The Rookie know. I hope this stops the responses that do not answer the question.


29th Nov 2004, 18:10

I was a dispatcher and load planner at MAN for a number of
Amongst other flights, I planned and ramp tramped the
75 many, many times.

You asked a perfectly reasonable question. You explained it
clearly, logically and pertinently.

The sarcastic, holier than thou replies you received from some members of this forum are not representative of "real" aviators,
who hopefully are as inquisitive and questioning as people
like you and me. They were from my experience mostly happy to explain both the routine and extraordinary.

You're damn right if I took a sharp right at the Great Orme,on the
way to Disneyworld I'd want to know what was up!

Good post, chap.

29th Nov 2004, 18:27
let us also remember that panels/covers etc that fall off a large passenger aircraft can frequently be very big and heavy pieces indeed :(

29th Nov 2004, 19:05
Ok lets get this sorted from the horses mouth so to speak.

Firstly, rookie you have asked and explained in your post a clear question you would like answered.

Secondley, vont phood the rookie asked and i quote "As a PPL I was obviously following things as they progressed and was wondering what had happened."

Where did "sounds like the crew followed procedures and landed safely back at MAN" come from? He knew that because he was on the plane!!
He merely, and shoot me down rookie if i'm wrong, wanted someone that knew more to give a detailed answer to the exact cause etc......etc. Not brief us on the emergency procedures blah....blah....blah.

Anyway, as i was on shift that day i'll try and help you out a little.
After the a/c taxied onto stand it was found that the panel on the edge of the wing which allows access/maintenance to the nav light and radio antenna had come open due to the two locking latches opening on takeoff. These latches although not locking the panel down managed to hold and the panel stayed attached to the wing and caused no immediate danger, and as said earlier the panel did not come off completley.

Incidentley If you look at the link posted by our friend J Class you may notice that the top section of the tail plane is painted white, this is due to an acccident 2 weeks ago when the a/c was being towed into the MYT hanger at manchester and the tail struck the roof! A 1ft deep and complete length of the tail had to be replaced.

Can this answer the question? Lets all read carefully and hold our breath!!!


The panel was small, light and most importantly did not fall off!

Vont phood
29th Nov 2004, 19:17
Doesn't it say what happened in the first post? My grasp of English is pretty good (just got all my spelling right on the TV quiz) and from reading it again and again I still know that a wing panel came loose and the aircraft dumped fuel over the Irish Sea and returned without incident to MAN.
Rookie sounded pretty cool about the whole incident, which I'd expect from a company director, and as such I was unsure what additional info he needed.

Then the sanctimonious jumped on me!! Sorry if I offended a 'real' aviator such as halwise, and I bow in deference to such a god of knowledge and limited experience (only despatch and load planning? small beer matey)

I might have been having a bad morning and smelt a troll by a journo looking to make something out of nothing, but that is nothing as to how I feel towards those who chuck insults at me whilst knowing nothing of my history.

I apologise to The Rookie if he felt my response curt. To those who jumped on me, get back in the play ground children.

29th Nov 2004, 20:19
Well - that did not go too well!

We have been debating putting these 'xxx happened and the a/c went round/went back to YYY'/etc etc in this forum as they seem to upset the so-called 'professionals' in other forums.

Personally I find them tedious, but they STILL require a modicum of respect in their answers. These forums are for all, big and small, ace and useless, commercial and private pilots, pax and spotters - and - yes - journos.

We have not had that 'respect' in this, our first attempt to 'relocate'.

Vont phood has taken a lot of flak for that opening reply which did not attempt to answer the question, boring as it may have seemed to him/her.

We have moved on down that well-known PPrune slippery slope to posts lashing abuse at anyone who dares to challenge an opinion or disagree with a point.

There is little point in continuing this thread, so I am closing it before it disintegrates further. I have also deleted an unpleasant post at the end.

My thanks to atlantadriver for the answer to Rookies question.