View Full Version : Saud ?

25th Nov 2004, 09:56
Anyone worked there ? Are the things I hear true ? i.e. confined to compound, ex-pat life ?

Is it worth it ? Did you come out on top? (including mentally??)

I'd be very interested to hear from any contract pilots indeed or anyone else, preferrably land bound who have been based there, how did you cope ? or was it relatively easy.

Don't hold back, I need to know warts an all.



26th Nov 2004, 15:25
veteran of 7 years and GW1
I left there on a stretcher and I'm still recuperating.
It's not something that you'd want to do voluntarily. They'll hit you when you're least expecting it.

Cannot now imagine wandering the souks and bazaars of downtown Ba'atha like we used to. You would, in your own best interests, be stuck with compound life. But the death toll in the compounds has been higher than the random hits - so go figure. Thanks to Dubya no expat is safe anywhere in the M.E.

The job is OK - as long as you can tolerate the extreme pettiness of some Saudi Officers and keep your nose clean professionally. If you are determined to go, develop a taste for dead crow first.