View Full Version : Class Upgrade

24th Nov 2004, 12:19
HI to everybody!

Just a question about economy class to business class upgrade.

Is it still possible to do? I will be traveling with my family on Emirates and want to try to make an upgrade. I am an airline pilot
and my wife works for airline as well.

And if possible how do you do it?


Row 12F
24th Nov 2004, 12:37
Good luck.

My Uncle Harold recently bought a new three bedroomed estate house in Tunbridge Wells. He then went to the sales office at the edge of the site, dressed in a suit, put on his best accent and armed with a sob story, asked for a free upgrade to a five bedroom house with a view over the Weald. He had been a builder in Lanarkshire and his wife worked as a secretary to the company that supplied the windows to the developer.

He learnt a few new words that afternoon and still lives in a three bedroom terrace house.

My other Uncle had ordered and paid for fish and chips and then asked for ......... you can guess the rest.

Good luck.

24th Nov 2004, 12:42
...especially with Emirates. Two hopes of an upgrade 1. Bob Hope 2. No Hope.

24th Nov 2004, 12:46
I have never directly asked for an upgrade but normally introduce myself as an airline crew member to the purser. When doors are closed the purser (sometimes) comes along and has a quiet word....i.e offers and upgrade.
It's worked 4 times for me this year on long haul twice with BA and twice with my own airline.
I don't know if it would be available though with young children!
Best of luck with it!

eastern wiseguy
24th Nov 2004, 12:52
and this fits in in this forum in which way exactly??:rolleyes:

24th Nov 2004, 13:15
An upgrade with Emirates is not a problem but few passengers take the pursers up on it because they are asked to pay the difference in seat prices.

Max Angle
24th Nov 2004, 13:38
Quite agree that the question doesn't fit the forum but what the heck, heard a nice little story years ago that may or may not be true but:

Bad tempered businessman in economy demands an upgrade from one of the cabin crew because he has lots of important work to do and doesn't have enough room to do it.

"No" says the CC, "it's not possible"

"I must have more space for my work" says the man.

The purser arrives to be bluntly told the same thing, "I will see what I can do Sir" he says. He arrives back a few moments later and says to the man

"Well Sir, I pleased to say I can get you some space", he turns to the woman sitting next to the businessman.

"Would you like to follow me Madam, we would like to upgrade you to business class" and adds to the man "there we are Sir, plenty of space now!".

I would pay good money to use that on someone one day.

24th Nov 2004, 15:53
No chance I'm afraid, unless you have paid full fare economy and have a top level frequent flyer card and a great deal of luck.

(Though the time I was upgraded I a) had a top level card, b) hadn't asked for it and c) was flying on an award ticket!)

Other than that, you'll find most check-in staff and CC will have higher respect for a paedophile than someone fishing for an upgrade.

Well, maybe not, but this is one of the many "do not ask" questions on PPRuNe!

24th Nov 2004, 16:01
Honey, if you're really an airline pilot I can't understand why you posted such a question on this forum. Plenty of colleagues could have given you the benefit of their experiences. Having said that, upgrades are not so easy these days but there are always exceptions. I even got one with BA recently, without asking. Perhaps Y was full but I didn't ask! I just said, "that's very kind of you, thank you". Maybe they'll remember what a polite chappie I am (when not posting on PPRuNe that is ;) )

24th Nov 2004, 17:11
Check your interline agreement with EK, you might be allowed purchase ID90 Biz class.


24th Nov 2004, 18:53
eal401, an untrue statement. You don't need any sort of card to get an upgrade. A smile and some manners are what can do it.

Pink Baron
25th Nov 2004, 08:06
Honey 737

if you are a Pilot you will know all the scams!!

Me tinks you should ask if they have any SFU's suitable for upgrade but with the kitchen sink you might be lucky I have done it a few times on KlM & EK.

Love to All


25th Nov 2004, 18:34
...totally agree with Ennie, a smile, a polite greeting and some friendly banter with the Transfer Counter at Changi last month earned me an unexpected upgrade to Upper Deck Business Class on the next leg of my journey... without asking for one... and, it had nothing to do with my occupation, no mention made of that... and I'm the lowest Frequent Flyer category, so it couldn't be that either... just a tired passenger who managed a smile for the airport staff after two days of sitting in pressurised cabins with little or no sleep and a four hour job interview in transit the day before...

The upgrade was gratefully received and appreciated... a big thank you to the airport staff and the airline... :ok:

mini cooper
26th Nov 2004, 18:01
I wish everybody luck asking for upgrades on EK.Only Station Manager can authorise it and then have to give written reasons why!! Check in staff and Pursers risk their jobs if they do it and then get reported by their colleagues.

Why not try a flt with an other carrier if you want an upgrade - almost everyone else, if they know you are crew, will try and help.
(I have to say that I think this EK policy stinks - a bit like a lot of their man management policies!!)

Best of luck!!


27th Nov 2004, 22:28
Good luck...............you're going to need it! Upgrades are rare due to strict policy,which,although i find disappointing,has been enforced for very good reason.Most,if not all our check in staff in Dubai, are from a culture who may be prone to accepting a back hander or two from family members to supplement their $350/month wage. This amount would be considerably less than the cost of upgrade but would boost their earnings nicely .Imagine how pissed off we'd all be sat in cattle class,jackets and smartly dressed kids,while we watch ''wanting wanting'' stroll up into J or F class!I don't think so. At least this way,it's the same rule for all,all of the time!

P.s Having said that,BA,Lufthansa and American have been great over the years with upgrading me.when they knew i was crew.Thanks guys! :ok:

27th Nov 2004, 22:51

29th Nov 2004, 19:44

Re Station Managers being able to approve upgrades ..

Sorry, not the case. Even ASM's cant upgrade UNLESS due to oversold flight. Only Area Managers and above can approve upgrades.