View Full Version : Role disposal antics!

Heywood Djablowme
17th Nov 2004, 12:47
Good afternoon gentlemen. This is me losing my Pprune virginity.

Anyone got a good ideas/dits for role disposal humiliation and tomfoolery?

Many thanks.


17th Nov 2004, 13:54
As someone once said:

"I'd just be grateful to be posted to something which Airfix still make a model of......"

Hope you get what you're hoping for!

Anton Meyer
17th Nov 2004, 17:12
I just have to say, quality username!

Where did you get that one?

17th Nov 2004, 17:42

Do us all a favour:
a. Grow up.
b. Try explainng yourself a lot more clearly
c. Become a virgin again

Your post is ambiguous and your choice of username offensive

You,sir, come across (fnnar fnaar) as a tw#t! :*

17th Nov 2004, 18:19

I think that it is you that may need to review your post, what brought on that tirade of abuse with a very limited vocabulary, if in doubt resort to swear words response????

The chap was only asking for a bit of help with a role disposal, how would he make that a bit more clear???? Do you not know what a role disposal is??

Who cares what his username is, does it really matter. Try going back a few hours and getting out of the other side of your scratcher...............

17th Nov 2004, 20:05
Good god... wnat an outlandishly inappropriate response to a perfectly reasonable question!!

I agree, AM, fantastic user name.

Lighten up for god's sake:D

The Rogue
17th Nov 2004, 20:24
Rem one a long time ago at Valley which involved the usual beer and obstacle course, but those being disposed had the ankles and cuffs of their flying suits taped up and then said suit was filled with building sand. Resulted in something resembling a Sumo suit! Very amusing. Hope you get what you want :ok:

Oggin Aviator
17th Nov 2004, 20:25
as good as Neal Ubich or Sir Kit Breaker or Norma Snockers or ...

but this has been done before on proone .....

mr ripley
18th Nov 2004, 06:57
Generally try a set of games one on one games in which the winner gets to know their fate.

Always include a well prepared spoof posting on a suitable victim, but there is a nack in not stringing it out to long.

Sumo wrestlers covered in baby oil playing twister has been done. Yes, a bit dodgey, but instigated and organized by a female student.

For ME students, games that involve pie eating, beer refueling or kipper eating/water sports can intimate or bluf as required.

Overall, amuse rather than humiliate.

The Swinging Monkey
18th Nov 2004, 07:04

Were you having a bad day or what? Give the guy a break and grow up. There are far more offensive names, so what the heck.

And what bit of his question didn't you understand? 'tis you who look the Tw&t Sir!

Heywood - welcome to PPrune. Forgive Stillin, we are not all like him (although you will often get the pi$$ taken unmercilessly!!)

Kind regards to all
The Swinging Monkey
'Caruthers, send a large box of Prozak and a bottle of Grouse round to Stillin, shapish like!!'

Foxache Radar
18th Nov 2004, 07:41
We made them down a pint then sat them on an office chair with pictures of the ac choices round it and spun them blindfolded. On stopping they would be pointing at an ac. We handed them an egg and they had to smash it on their head, if it was raw they didn't get the ac choice and had to down another pint and go through through the whole process again, if it was hard boiled they got the ac. Great way to tease, humiliate and induce vomit.

Mr C Hinecap
18th Nov 2004, 10:42
I have seen the postings at the end of a course frozen in a large block of ice - simple and potentially frustrating.

However, the guys decided they could wait, sat down and drank until it melted enough. Taxi for stillin!

18th Nov 2004, 11:54
I hope its for the role disposal this coming Monday - see you there.

Heywood Djablowme
18th Nov 2004, 11:55
It's not my own disposal but the cse above, thanks for the ideas though guys. I think a combination of "postings sealed in ice" and "grow bags full o' sand" sounds like a winner!

Mr Stillin, old chap, apologies if the user name caused offense. I have been doing my best to grow up but can't seem to manage it. Would love to have a few beers with you at happy hour, you sound like you'd be a real hoot!


Vage Rot
18th Nov 2004, 16:00
Don't worry about growing up, Been doing the job for 19 years now and I'm the biggest kid around - it comes with the territory - or it used to until we had to do EO and PC courses!!!!

18th Nov 2004, 16:40
Maybe you should change your name to stilla, as in stillatw@t

23rd Nov 2004, 16:15
The last two guys to get role disposed on our course had to sit opposite each other with a box of 24 eggs between them. They had to smash them off each others heads until they found the hard boiled one to be told where they were going!

V amusing as the box emptied, the last egg was distinctly runny, studes looked confused... then the SECOND box of 24 eggs was placed between them. QUALITY TO WATCH - about the only thing I can remember since I was smashed BEFORE role disposal started I was that worried I was going F3s!

Strength and Honour