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View Full Version : Dreaming of the Future - The Next Generation

Phoenix Rising
16th Nov 2004, 06:40
Shot this image in Hawaii a couple of years ago and I bet you it takes a lot of you here back to the days when you first gazed upon a helicopter and thought how amazing it would be to fly one of these contraptions. Just some food for thought :rolleyes:



Ascend Charlie
16th Nov 2004, 07:45
".... last week, i coodn't even SPEL hellyklopper pilet, and now i ARE one!"

16th Nov 2004, 18:03
Has the photo been reversed or is the single pilot's seat really on the left?

Phoenix Rising
16th Nov 2004, 18:19
No the pics is as you see it. In the EC130 the pilot flies from the left hand side and the second set of controls, if needed, is in the middle ala Alouette III style.


16th Nov 2004, 23:51
PR, sorry to be a pain as I know its been discussed before. I could only find instructions on how to post photos with a url. How do you do it if its on your hard drive? Thanks in advance.:confused:

the wizard of auz
16th Nov 2004, 23:58
Brings back memories of sitting in a seaking on a visiting warship.
Lucky the master was hidden from view. I think I switched, pulled, twisted, pushed and wiggled everything in the machine in an attempt to make it do something.......... anything.
Nowday I would be happy to do the same, but it would have to be moving, or the promise of it, before I would bother. ;)