View Full Version : International Jumpseat

River Door
15th Nov 2004, 14:13
Recently a buddy of mine who works for a 121 regional carrier tried to offline "jumpseat" (or OMC or whatever its called now post 9/11) from Newark to Portugal and was told by a TSA guy that international jumpseating has been stopped.

Anyone know anything about this?

17th Nov 2004, 03:53
Absolutely untrue.

I just (last week) jumpseated on United ORD-LHR with not one problem. In fact I got business class.

However it does pay to do a little research before hand. I learned the hard way my company is approved for domestic jumpseats on American but not international.

Every company is different but international jumpseating is still an option.

Good luck.

River Door
28th Nov 2004, 16:37

Thanks. I guess this is one more example of the TSA not knowing what it is doing or where, when and how it is supposed to be doing it.

"zerozero" and from Fairbanks. From those two pieces of info I'm guessing you've spent time on the North Slope. Am I correct?

3rd Dec 2004, 19:41
Yeah man, I spent the last two years bringing the groceries to Barrow and the garbage out of the Alpine Oil Field.


Fairbanks is still my home but I've since turned my back on the Slope--and just in the nick of time.


Done your own time in the Bush?

25th Dec 2004, 07:04
those TSA guys have no business with how you're travelling. they are just incharge of molesting the passengers. you just go to the ticket counter, check in and get your boarding pass deal that gets you thru security, then go check in at the gate and all that stuff.

25th Dec 2004, 14:23
However, you are not authorized to jumpseat (I mean physically in the jumpseat), from outside the US back to the US.



Depending, of course, if youre flight deck jumpseat authorized, of course.

28th Dec 2004, 12:43
HI guys,

I fly for european 737 low cost airline in Europe..but also enjoyed working in the states and getting jumpseats on airlines with reciprocal agreements.
I love Boston but i cant afford to get there..which airlines accept european #jupseaters#?,i know Continental and Northwest were always very welcoming people..would it be possible with one of these majors to go to check in and get a ticket?


31st Dec 2004, 19:52
Doesn't your company maintain a list? Why not just try contacting the company you are thinking of travelling on. A lot of the time it depends on who is working, not what is written in a book somewhere.

Good Luck.

6th Jan 2005, 21:17
For M.85, You won t be able to jumpseat on an USA 121 carrier if you work for a european airlines it only works between 121 us carriers and some 135 us with agreements, sorry mate.

7th Jan 2005, 13:14

bad news for me but good for all the freight dogs out there!!

Just need a green card to go back to the US where i belong!!!Boston here i come;-)

Happy Landings,
