View Full Version : EU Conversion

14th Nov 2004, 03:47
Okay, been looking at a few posts ( about converting ) and...
Is it easier to get a CPL/ATPL JAA license in say Italy or Finland or stick with the stupid fixed wing CAA tests???


14th Nov 2004, 08:23
Hi Leee,

unless you are fluent in finnish or italien I'd say it's easier to stick with the stupid fixed wing CAA test.:D
Besides, it's not only the UK where the helicopter test contains a lot of fixed wing quetions.


14th Nov 2004, 10:39

i have the idea that all the written ones, should/are written in english... (at least the ones i see, they were....)

about the "stupid fixed wing" questions, yes, it's truth, but isn't only "stupid fixed wing", there are a few "stupid" helicopter ones... :bored:


14th Nov 2004, 22:30
yes but i feel i should probably know the stupid helicopter ones, where as flaps and whatever they do if of no interest!!!
Cant belive that in ( has it been 4 or 5 ) x years they haven't got round to writing heli exams, its like we are second class citizens.

:ok: whats the difference between a turbine engine and a pilot:ok:

:ok: The engine stops whineing when you turn it off:ok:

Cheers Lee...