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View Full Version : CAA Class 2 medical and grass

11th Nov 2004, 01:08

I am training for my PPL at the moment. I have my Class 2 medical coming up however I have a worry about a grass allergy like hay fever.

I am only affected around June with long grass pollen. If I stay out of long grass I am fine. I have had to mention this on the medical form however will this effect whether I pass or not?

Any help for a worried PPL student would be great.


11th Nov 2004, 11:59
Thank God you weren't gonna ask if you could smoke weed and get away with it :E

I would give the CAA a call and also check out the medical section of the website to see if there are any detailed articles on there:

CAA (http://www.caa.co.uk)

Best of luck,


11th Nov 2004, 14:14
I suffer from hayfever and passed the Class 2 with ease. All they say is you must not take antihystimine (sp?) before flying and consequently shouldn't fly whilst suffering from hayfever.

12th Nov 2004, 00:24
Thanks very much for the replies :D