View Full Version : Value Of Human Life at QR ......

3rd Nov 2004, 16:48
I really dont know how to post this because its a really devistating story ..... but ...

Yesterday in Vienna while walking through the terminal to the A/C The Performance Supperviser ( Cabin Crew Intructor and Part of the management ) Has collapsed and fell down with a heart attack and an ambulance had to called to take her to hospital but she died on the way to hospital .......

The sad part is that non of the crew stayed with dying lady by orders of the Captain who was wooried about being called to the office for delaying the A/C and flying short of crew ?!?! ...... amazing how people think to cover thier A** ( I thought that the Capt Should be wise and responsable ......!!! ) this kind of people QR want as crew or mabe this what happens to you when you work here irresponsable and careless.......

This poor lady served QR for 5 yrs and before at GF and AI ....

the worst thing is that her dead body is still in Austria after more than 24 hours......

QR didnt even send condolences to her devistated family or even a note on the crew notice board ..... how important we are to the poisoned dwarf .... and he calls it a 5 star airline !!!!

Im thinking what would they do if somebody like me or an insignifecant crew has died maybe they leave that person to rot like a stray dog..........

I am a shamed of calling my self as part of this BO GRAIB prison they call an AirLine ......

:* :* :*


3rd Nov 2004, 17:56
I m a ex PS of QR and was informed this morning that YB passed away . I feel very sad because YB was a very nice and hard working collegue.
Please don use this story to tell bad things about QR here on this forum. TS/Belgium

4th Nov 2004, 04:42
Agree with Tony.

There is a separate thread for Yuva that I started further down the page. Suggest we all use that one to post our respects and memories of the lady.


Panama Jack
4th Nov 2004, 06:27
I have been watching posts about Qatar Airways for some time. As an outsider and despite the sadness of the passing of fellow industry colleague, I respectfully will have to say that I don't see anything wrong with part_A_ telling this story and expressing his frustrations about the Airline.

Frankly, I am really starting to feel sorry for you people. This story reminds me of the scene where the manager orders the incredulous laborers "back to work" through his bullhorn after one of their colleagues is injured in the 1986 movie "Gung Ho." :oh:


Gung Ho movie review (http://www.movieprop.com/tvandmovie/reviews/gungho.htm)

homesick rae
4th Nov 2004, 10:59
Agree with Tony on this as well.

Part_A: I hear you and agree with your views, and I am sure you meant no harm, but our ex colleague has passed away and let's all be a tad more tactful perhaps?



5th Nov 2004, 09:42

Agree with you and Tony also. I never ever met anyone onboard QR before with as much dynamite as Yuva. She could somehow be in all three galleys at the same time, and still found the time to have a kind word with EVERY single pax on the plane.

Remember a flight years ago when Yuva was operating as CSD and we were on A7-ABN to London and the screens in Y class didn't work. Flight was full, mainly with transit pax coming in from BOM, TRV and PEW, etc, en route to London. Pax all irate.

But Yuva and Caroline (Saville) instigated a plan to go row-by-row and speak to every pax in every seat and apologise for the lack of IFE.

It worked a treat - it was then very clear to all the passengers that Yuva was in charge on board, and despite her frame, she was really such a gentle and hard working lady.

After that, whenever she would come behind from the J class cabin, all the passengers on the flight would stir in their seats, and spring to attention, because they all wanted to have a friendly chat with her on her way down the cabin, and show her fotos of their families and so on, sharing other flying experiences and comparisons between QR and other lesser quality airlines they had flown on, etc.

I will miss flying with Yuva - it was always memorable. Condolences.


Bangkok Layover
5th Nov 2004, 11:21
I remember a flight I did with YB as my CS,...

...she was recruited as a direct entry CSD.but she had work a few months in most of the grades in order to get hands on experience of QR system.

The flight was to Bangkok and it was a time Direct entries were not greatly welcomed by QR crew. I was the CSD carring out an onboard assesment on her and despite long faces of some crew, she managed to win all her crew at the end of 7-8 hour flight to BKK. thats what I call proffesionalism and Experience!

I remember the long bus ride that day from BKK Air port to Amari Atrium hotel and having YB at the aft of crew bus with me and most of crew having the giggle of the century!

It is hard and sad to accept the loss.however,eveything in the world must come to an end,and assume she served her time with us.she will be sadly missed!


7th Nov 2004, 01:45
Dear all ,,

I have to give my appology to you all but i have got the story wrong ..... and also i apologise to those involved ......

i uderstood that the capt of the flight didnot say the things i wrote ......

therefore pls accept my appologies


ps i didnt mean to harm any one it was wrong of me

7th Nov 2004, 02:48

You are a dick....what sort of idiot are you.
You make outrageous acusations about people and the airline..and you havent even posted a note about this poor well respected woman in the thread that was started on her behalf.

sorry mate but you area big looooooooooooser.


Hajj Man
7th Nov 2004, 11:44

Do you have to continue throwing stones? lighten up a bit. I am getting a feeling from your post you are angry with Part_A but please lets just forgive him/her and accept his/her appology. Don't you think????????

Part_A said he/she was sorry and that he/she got his/her information wrong.

In his/her initial post he/she did start off by saying. "I really dont know how to post this because its a really devistating story."

He/she then did say "GOD REST HER SOUL"

He/she may of sat infront of his/her computer and sounded off a little bit but we can think that he/she might of had a bad day also and just started off on one post subject and got carried away with the company politics as well in what started off as a touching post about this CSD.

I agree it was not the time and place to start shooting off about QR and the politics but lets read his/her post as a double subject, one of condolences and the other as a bitter employee.

Thank you for forgiving this person and lets say a prayer for YB and her friends and family she leaves behind. I don't think that I ever flown with her so I cannot say I know her. I will say a prayer for her though.

Find it in your heart this Ramadan to have good thoughts and be peaceful.


7th Nov 2004, 13:55
Morwheus.... just shut up, plain and simple.

9th Nov 2004, 08:45
Hajj man

I appologise to Part_A and the other readers of this thread I was out of line and should have displayed a more forgiving tone........

We all have a little rumour control in us........... but please can we maintain at least some kind of minimum standard when posting a reply or starting a thread and try and be a little mor factual.

as for old sluggums over there

Morwheus.... just shut up, plain and simple.

what sort of post is that.........my guess is that being beatan as a child and told to shut up on command must have made you grow up to be a very angry poison little dwarf.......there arent may happy dictators in the world .....case and point.


9th Nov 2004, 10:44
Ladies and Gents,

The late Yuva Bhatia - the lady mentioned in the original post on this thread - was a dear friend of mine.

I am appalled at the way this thread has degenerated into a slanging match, whilst my good friend still lies in a mortuary in Austria.

Have none of you any manners or decency? Chivalry or humanity? How do you think that Yuva's friends and family (many of whom incidentally work in aviation) will feel, having witnessed your nonsense above.

Don't any of you bother replying to this.

RIP Yuva - we all miss you terribly.