View Full Version : Success rate surveys...

1st Nov 2004, 15:21
Just out sheer panic-ridden, overdraft-induced nausea....

...has anyone ever compiled a list of wannabees who have spent all their money on an ATPL and failed to ever get a paid flying job?


Flying Farmer
1st Nov 2004, 16:40
Don’t know where this thread is going to lead, same as the rest I guess, more bitching and moaning.
My thoughts on the subject are that if with the fresh blue licence, you add an instructor rating you will get paid to fly, the jobs are there if you look. The only proviso, are you prepared to serve what in fact is an apprenticeship and earn a pittance for a few years. Not only that but you will gain invaluable experience to stand you in good stead throughout your career.
Now if you have ideas that the only paid flying in aviation is the RHS of a large shiny jet prepare to be disappointed, only a very small number of fortunate and lucky guys and gals walk straight in to positions like those.
All the best,

Flying Farmer