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View Full Version : Alaskan Bush flying jobs?

1st Nov 2004, 00:18
Hey guys, does anyone know where I could find any information about flying in Alaska/Canada for hire? Web addresses, books, or magazines, anything goes. Thanks, I appreciate it.

1st Nov 2004, 23:19

BE CAREFUL!!!! Shady operators everywhere and some of the most dangerous conditions on earth, a lot of pilots die in AK each year!!!

2nd Nov 2004, 00:40
Thanks for that link. I've recently been turned on to flying in Alaska as some of, if not the best, flying in the world. I don't plan on going in blind and dumb, I really want to research it. I saw on the NGC that the death rate in 2001 was 14% for pilots, that's high but in Vegas those are some great odds.

2nd Nov 2004, 05:15
There are a couple of jobs to get up there...just remember its FAA if you are from EU.
But not a big Problem,,,,well if you make sure that its a goot place that you are flying at and you dont take any chances you aint have to take you should be safe...

Take a look at the following pages for jobs in Alaska:



Both got different jobs and some in Alaska too.

Be safe, but see u up in the blue

2nd Nov 2004, 11:01
.. If you will be ok with instructing try www.takeflightalaska.com they occationally have openings for CFI's .. may be going up there myself in the new year..

2nd Nov 2004, 17:57
it is amazing country and probably some fantastic flying, but very difficult, especially winter time, mountain obscuration problems, ice, etc...

also to fly up there you need to take a survival course and certanl things are required to be carried on the plane at all times, things not in the standard regs. (survival gear) if you lose an engine you're in the middle of literally nowhere. It'll make you a great pilot though

check out these books...

"North Star Over My Shoulder: A Flying Life" By Bob Buck (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0743219643/qid=1099421584/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-6728002-4414565?v=glance&s=books)


Flying the Alaska Wind: The Adventures and Misadventures of an Alaskan Bush Pilot (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0896585891/qid=1099421697/sr=2-1/ref=pd_ka_b_2_1/102-6728002-4414565) By Mort Mason

(Maybe cheaper at another web site, just used amazon which is easy to find)

AWESOME BOOKS, both travel memoirs...will get you hooked on Alaska, both well written, although the first does not talk about Alaska as much as the second, but the first one will teach you a lot about weather.

4th Nov 2004, 18:27
Jay at www.flyalaska.com/stories.html has a couple of new true stories up. Both are entertaining and educationa:
"Scary Passengers," and "A Winter Dunking."

Some of the Alaska photos on this website are spectacular. Makes me want to go there.