View Full Version : Typical roster pattern at Dragon Air

screw fix diret
31st Oct 2004, 10:27
I am curently employed by a struggling UK Charter outfit and have an imminent move to Dragon Air planned. I would like to know a bit about the rostering patterns at Dragon Air in comparison to any generic UK jet charter outfit you might care to think off.
My current rating is on Boeing 75/76 so presumably I will convert to the scare bus. That being the case, how long to get a full house of ratings ie the 330?
Any comments gratefully received, but I am anticipating replies from current Dragon Air drivers who originated in the UK.

screw fix diret
2nd Nov 2004, 21:21
OK - so while everybody is refusing to tell me about rosters at Dragonair perhaps somebody might be able to enlighten me as to whether I'll be able to receive 'The Simpsons' if I move to Hong Kong?

3rd Nov 2004, 00:20
Of course!! 1800 5 nights a week on Star TV. Sundays has new episodes at 1900...

"Excellent Smithers....."

3rd Nov 2004, 00:59

it would be better off for you to ask in the fragment harbour, not in the wannabes section. I 'm sure someone will reply u there. But i think their pattern is extremely different to any other airlines in hong kong. I believe they fly more often. (i.e. doing couple landings and take offs within a day) - btw this is just from the best of my knowledge, so not tentative at all...

Alright, and good luck with that!!


3rd Nov 2004, 06:30
I think the lack of replies indicates that they are very busy!!

10th Nov 2004, 05:57
Bus boy,

You certainly hit the nail on the head there !!


16th Feb 2005, 13:40
If you want to fly the freighter, you'll put your head on a pillow fairly regularly... in the bunk! For otherwise it will be sometime after 4.00am HKG time.

Be prepared for a roster that will give you between eighteen and thirty hours rest between trips... try to sleep twice in that period?

If you like a beer after work, the 7/11 is the place to find a drinking buddy... it's the only bar open at that time in the morning at the airport.

Good luck!

17th Feb 2005, 08:24
Hey breath, did you not read the latest letter, no sleeping on the job so you can forget that bunk!
You can always get room service outside the China Coast no need 7/11.