View Full Version : Ek Interview Q?

28th Oct 2004, 04:29
Anybody can tell me what kind of tecnical quiz questions and what kind of interview questions are asked. Also get you shed some light on the group exercise....Thank you

28th Oct 2004, 10:13
Buy the book, mind it is out of date!! However, from what i hear there will be no one to interview you anyhow, the RC team resigned en masse.

Also heard the format has changed, so perhaps have the questions....


29th Oct 2004, 14:43
REsigned en masse ? Are U sure ? A quick check with my mate indicates dozens willing to take their place. But, then if u want to do recruitment, why join as a pilot ? Except for the sim ride, I think we better leave the rest to the HR people. But nowadays, I heard most captains in EK wants to be everything. Engineers, Dispatchers, Pursers, and not to forget...ATC.

29th Oct 2004, 16:38

There have been a lot of resignations recently,from a lot of pilots who recruit,teach CRM and help out in office on various projects.New payment structure means that there's nothing to be gained from extra effort and contribution other than a PAY CUT! All your friends who are lining up to take over may have changed their position now that new T & C's are in place.
With regards to your little dig at Emirates Captains,perhaps i should point out that any Major,well respected Airline would only give a Command to someone who indeed has the ability to monitor and assess all the different teams that work together to allow a flight to safely depart.You see,if just one of those links in the chain fails,the results,on a bad day,can be unthinkable and guess who is the first person to arrive at the scene of a crash..... yes,the pilot.He is normally the one who always gets the blame as well because the final responsibility will rest with the Captain! I wish you well on your command course WHEN it comes up because you most certainly ain't in that left seat yet,that's for sure!
off to boss some more people around on another forum,bye!

puff m'call
30th Oct 2004, 04:30
737-700pilot. the quiz questions it seamed to me to were old ATPL tech stuff, out of date and no relevance.

So if the have a good job and you are not being forced to leave then don't!!!!!

Don't come here just for the change, read the posts

Quod Boy
1st Nov 2004, 19:18
Rainforest.You are misinformed.BYMONEK is correct,your buddies,who eagerly await the vacated,holes in the REC team,may change their minds when they realise,why the current team,all resigned.They do long days,and its an important role,that they do,to select future EK pilots,Your theory is correct,thats what our boss wants apparently,HR to select pilots,BA tried that 10 yrs go.

As for 737-7 man,if you can build LEGO tea trolleys,and mix,and match with others,and know some basic ATPL tech theory,you will be OK.But,as others have said,research everything,carefully.

Best of luck.
QB;) :cool:

2nd Nov 2004, 02:11

I think I am right in saying your tech exam is 30 questions multiple choice. You all get a different paper so cant cheat ! There are 6 sections as I remember, perf, wx, aerodynamics that sort of thing. Cant remember them all. The format has changed since I came through. They have a sieve here now after a day and a half. If you dont make the grade I think I am right in saying they stop you then and there and send you home. The rest continue with interview and sim ride.

My only advice I will strongly ask you to listen to is this. Please dont make your decision on what you read here. There are some bitter and twisted people who have either failed the interview or not happy with what they have in Dubai at the moment. Remember that EK is not for everyone. You have to want the job when you come here as you will be closely scrutinised. You can always say no later. This is a do or die situation and should you fail or say no then you dont get another chance. Make sure that you are ready to come and not just doing it on a whim.

Finally when you do get here be yourself and dont put up a front. There is a standard to be met but essentially there is no right or wrong answer. They want to see you as a team player but at the same time not too dominating.

You have to make your own mind up whether this is the place to be. Yes things have changed but essentially I really enjoy my time here. It is certainly better than what I had. There will be now a hundred people who would strongly disagree with what I have said. So it is your call and best of luck to you. If it is meant to be then it will happen.

One last thing, if the aviation world is that depressed and the big money has finished, you will be coming here for a lifestyle change. There are alot worse places to be but that depends on where you are coming from.

Good luck !

Quod Boy
2nd Nov 2004, 11:48
Uplink sums it up well.

Remember,you are NOT in competition with the other candidates,they wil take ALL of you if poss,we need pilots.

Dont overdo the leading,dont sit back and watch.Be a player,and im serious about building tea trolleys.

A review of ATPL theory,essentials will help,and get some handflying in before you come,the sim is pass or fail.

Good luck,but be certain you want to come,its a big move.
QB:cool: :ok: