View Full Version : Cabin Crew Money Worries?!?!?!?

27th Oct 2004, 20:42
Hey Guys and Gals!!

Was just wondering how people manage with the salary.

Have been flying now fo 2.5 years.. Just got my own place......

How do people cope on running a house hold on this salary? - Take home pay 900 - 1000 GBP??

Is it me or do others find it hard at times.

I know everyone has their own money worries yet I am not in major debt or anything but day to day living seems to be a bit hard lately........................

Is it all down to the B word (Budget)!

? Not to worried about it much but just a general moan!


28th Oct 2004, 09:36
you could stay in your room, dont go out and party, dont go out and buy any food and dont go shopping?

28th Oct 2004, 10:28
£1k a month is not a lot - but if you worked in a cafe serving food wouldn't you earn a similar amount. I reckon the management know this and hence this is reflected in your pay. And before anyone of you shout at me, I know you guys dont just serve food, u look after ppl, their safety,. are trained etc, but you know what I'm getting at I suppose. You have my respect.

I say make the most of travelling on low pay, and then when you've had enough , change career, settle down, get married to someone rich, have babies and read PPRUNE :\

Galley Power
28th Oct 2004, 11:26

How come in Australia we get paid considerably well...More than teachers, nurses and many other professions that need a degree? I've been flying for over 2 years and love the job and pay. Although I'm not with Virgin Blue Airlines, my friends there are not that worse off either (for a low cost airline).

So why is England/Europe worser than Australia? I would like to know the reason please. I know there's several reasons out there, but I forgot why! Do you have unions? Qantas is thinking of a London base for crew... which will be paid less. Same airline, different country. So what are the reasons?!? Thanks in advance.


28th Oct 2004, 16:02
Hello all, this is my first time on PPRUNE so please be gentle!!
I will be starting my first job as cc with FlyBE next month and have been worried about the pay I'll be getting. As you say "you do it for the love of it" but me being new to it all I obviously don't know if I'm gonna love it yet!
I'm about to leave a career in teaching to do this job, I had decided a while ago that I needed a total change from the same old faces and walls and as my boyfriend is a pilot and away a lot I looked upon the cc route as being ideal - if you can't beat 'em join 'em! kind of philosophy.
I'm really looking forward to it in all respects apart from trying to cope on the wages. I would be very grateful to any FlyBE cc reading this if they could give me an idea as to what I will be taking home each month. It wont put me off taking the job-no way!- but I will be able to begin planning my budget better.
Glad I found this website, hope to make some friends along the way! :D

Gareth Blackstock
29th Oct 2004, 20:41
Pay ? ? ? ? They stopped paying me months ago, I just go in for the love of the job...............


30th Oct 2004, 21:19
I know we joke and say we do it for the love. But I really think in a way we do.

As most of you know it is a very hard job/career/lifestyle to give up.

Dont ask why - I just dont know. Before flying I was a Nurse and do not want to go back to that.

It my sound a little sad but i really would not know what to do apart from flying it is a huge part of my life and I do enjoy it.

If they take any more tax from me I will be paying to go to work!!!

I have been offered a job with Bmed but really dont know what to do. The grass does look greener but at times its just a different shade of the same green - if you get my drift.???

Capt Hollywood
31st Oct 2004, 10:20
I read in a major Australian newspaper last week that the AVERAGE salary for Qantas international cabin crew is $74,000 ($Aus) and they are currently threatening strike action in order to secure a 6% increase! There is another thread on pprune at the moment regarding cabin crew becoming pilots, with salaries like that I'd be staying in the back!


Hollywood :cool:

jumbo girls
31st Oct 2004, 10:33
Does anybody know how much the starting package is for Excel Airways?
Plus the concession if there is any? & the increase's in wage's when promomted, across all ranks?


31st Oct 2004, 10:44
capt hollywood,

I think you will find that the article stated that the average wage paid to Qantas EMPLOYEES was $74000 PA.

$74000 for a FA?
I dont think so.

Second Officers at QF earn well in excess of that with "Pacific Barons" between 3 and 4 times the amount.

Which side of the flight deck door would you rather be on again?


Capt Hollywood
31st Oct 2004, 20:33

The article said that amount was the average for cabin crew, not too sure if they were including pilots. As the article was based around the salary increase that cabin crew are after I'd assume it refers to cabin crew only.

If you want to compare dollars versus responsibility I'd have to say the cabin crew win hands down. A pilot will have put a lot more time and money into their career than the average FA and have worked for many years to get to the front left seat of a 747. Don't get me wrong, cabin crew are a vital part of the operation but you don't get to be a 747 Captain by doing an in house training course for a couple of months!


Hollywood :cool:

1st Nov 2004, 21:08
I have never encountered a group of individuals more concerned with other peoples money than pilots...They would sell their own grandmother to make an extra dollar.In forums all over PPrune pilots seem compelled to comment on Cabin Crew wages.Its as though they begrudge us getting paid at all.
My superannuable GROSS wage is $A53,000p.a which at current rates is 21,200 english pounds or$US38,000.Doing family friendly flying(no more than 2 days)I receive nothing extra except for the all important time with my wife and kids.
We all get paid according to what the industry will bear.I have no problem with what techies receive.I say good luck to them.But for God`s sake don`t begrudge me my renumeration.I spent years away from my family at Christmas Easter,Weekends.it almost cost me my marriage.A little investing here and there means the monkey is off my back and I can enjoy my family and not be concerned about the bucks.
BTW the issue with the LHR Base is not,has not,never will be about money!!!Read the appropriate thread.

Capt Hollywood
2nd Nov 2004, 11:36
Easy tiger,

I hope that Captain Bigbucks remark wasn't directed at me. A quick look at my profile will tell you I am a single engine helicopter pilot. I too work weekends, Christmas day, New Years day and all the public holidays and receive exactly the same salary as you Argusmoon. But that's my lot and I am one of the lucky ones!

At no stage was I inferring you do not deserve adequate remuneration. I was just a little amazed at the salary of the Qantas international FA's.

With that said I have done a little searching on the internet and have found the actual statements regarding the Qantas salaries.

Geoff Dixon stated at the Qantas AGM that the average Qantas EMPLOYEE earns $74,000. See HERE (http://www.asu.asn.au/media/airlines_qantas/20041025_agm.html)

The Herald Sun used that quote rather loosely and stated that the average international flight attendant (Well they are employees!) was paid $74,000. See HERE (http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5478,11208314%255E662,00.html)

So my apologies if I was disseminating false information. See us pilots aren't all bad!


Hollywood :cool:

p.s. I do have one query though Argusmoon, what do you mean by "doing family friendly flying (only two days)". Is that two days a week?

2nd Nov 2004, 17:23
I have never encountered a group of individuals more concerned with other peoples money than pilots...They would sell their own grandmother to make an extra dollar.In forums all over PPrune pilots seem compelled to comment on Cabin Crew wages.Its as though they begrudge us getting paid at all.

argus moon, I have an argument with your argument. ;)

Because some pilots on PPRuNe (and who's to say they really are pilots, anonymous forums and all that) are very concerned with other people's money, is there a need to tar the whole group with the the same brush?
I recognise your irritation about posts made by people who feel the need to continuously trash FAs as a group and who think it is justified to denigrate our jobs and our worth as part of the team in the operation. It's stupid, short-sighted and offensive.
I still don't think that it justifies a gross generalisation though.

I know some fellow FAs who steal the spare toilet rolls from hotel rooms to save money at home. Does that mean all of us are too cheap to buy our loo paper?

We all get paid according to what the industry will bear.I have no problem with what techies receive.I say good luck to them.But for God`s sake don`t begrudge me my renumeration.

We call 'em pilots where I work ;) but spot on about not begrudging eachother the money fairly made. :ok:

2nd Nov 2004, 20:27
You are right,I apologize for the generalization:O

2nd Nov 2004, 23:54
In each week I can do 2 two day trips or 4 one day trips,which allows me to be Mr. Mom.
The wages we receive now are down to the introduction of a bid system introduced by Qantas in `88.Instead of being paid a salary an hourly rate was introduced and we lost 25% 0f our standown time.At the time a majority of the crew did not want this change but skulduggery prevailed.Prior to `88 wages were fairly poor with most of us having second jobs to survive.
At the time management saw it as a big productivity gain,but in the long run it has increased their wages bill.In hindsight they did us a favour without intending to

Capt Hollywood
3rd Nov 2004, 00:10
I see. Sounds like a good deal to me, wonder if I can get my boss to go for that idea! I like the idea of working four long days a week in order to get three off. I wouldn't mind be Mr Mum either, when the time comes that is! My partner, who works for Qantas incidentally, already makes more money than I do so it would make sense for me to take the step to stay at home more with the kiddies.

To give you an idea of where us pilots start though my salary of A$53,000 is over double what our other pilots get. Yes, you heard it right, our pilots here start on about A$22,000! And that's pretty good for your first job in Australia. My salary is higher due to the senior pilot, area manager, check and training pilot and operations manager positions that I hold! When I finished my training the statistics said that for every helicopter pilot position in Australia there were 26 pilots. So you end up with pilots working for next to nothing just to get a start in the industry. I think that's why you find a lot of, not all, pilots commenting about their salaries.

Apologies to Virgin82, we've hijacked your thread a bit!


Hollywood :cool:

3rd Nov 2004, 11:06
aren't we all skint?