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View Full Version : Posting on Ebay

25th Oct 2004, 12:53
Anybody seen the posting on Ebay for Pooleys ATPL manuals? Are they good reference as the add says?
I'm looking for good study material and for that price i'm tempted!!
Any advice would be greatfully recieved.

Send Clowns
25th Oct 2004, 13:16
No real point. You have to sit an approved course, which will come with manuals. The Pooley's set are nothing special, so unless you are going to sit at one of the schools that still uses the worst set of manuals (old 4-forces ones) then why waste the money?

Captain Ratpup
25th Oct 2004, 15:15
I agree. You'll get everything you need when you start groundschool anyway.

Master Yoda
28th Oct 2004, 14:57
hey it might work!!

press me (http://search.ebay.co.uk/tesco-carrier-bag_W0QQmaxrecordsreturnedZ300QQsalocatedincountryZ3QQsocurr encydisplayZ2QQsorecordsperpageZ50QQsosortpropertyZ1)