View Full Version : Airlines of South Australia

John Rodd
25th Oct 2004, 10:41
What happened to CK and TK?

25th Oct 2004, 11:04
Is that before or after RL, MB and JG bought it and made it into TL?

John Rodd
25th Oct 2004, 11:14
Before North Air

chief wiggum
25th Oct 2004, 11:29
Last I heard they have moved to the Central Coast (NSW) and the tax man is chasing them.

26th Oct 2004, 11:08
Both should be ashamed. Many good people owed money.

TK's punishment is harsh. He is sentenced to life with the door bitch (aka CK).

Her sentence? an over active thyroid gland. OK. ALRIGHT.

Anyone that sees them can tell them from me to go and get f*#ked

26th Oct 2004, 12:19
Maybe if you gave 100 percent there wouldn't have been a problem

26th Oct 2004, 23:26

Are you suggesting that the many good staff and creditors that kept them afloat should have given all their money to the TK and CK slush fund in Vanuatu?

Do you know the real situation or are you taking the piss out of my handle?

If you are taking the piss ok, but don't insinuate those good people should have lost their money to another dodgy operator!!!!!!:* :* :* :* :* :*

chief wiggum
27th Oct 2004, 03:27
it is hard to stay motivated when TK and CK rant and rave about pilots behind their backs, try to screw the pilot for every last cent that they can, refuse to pay superannuation, haggle about terms and conditions in the award WHEN IT SUITS THEM, won't pay their bills so that EVERY port into which you go people come out and say "Have you got a cheque for me? " .... then drives around in a 100+K Jaguar and THEN complains that pilots aren't doing enough hours....

I have heard of some pilots who reach maximum duty time EVERY fortnight, and sitting on 80 hours flying per month with little or no operational support cos the company will not provide it.....

AND IT IS THE PILOTS FAULT ???????? a lot of great people there who have protected those two from the real world to save their own jobs only to be treated like cr@p.
