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24th Oct 2004, 00:31
Delta Air May File Bankruptcy Soon-Report

Sat Oct 23, 1:42 AM ET Business - Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Delta Air Lines Inc. (NYSEDAL - news) could file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection soon the Washington Post reported in its Saturday edition, citing an unnamed source familiar with the situation.


24th Oct 2004, 00:44
Yep, DALPA has been in denial for years now, thinking it is better to get cuts from a judge in bankruptcy court instead of negotiating a concessionary contract. Suddenly though, the pilots seem to be getting religion on the deathbed as the airline is in a freefall. Probably too little, too late with oil at $54 a barrel. With the current burn rate they will be lucky to survive long term even if they take the pay cuts.

Another OGA (Once Great Airline) heads south...

24th Oct 2004, 00:57
Shame, that will be three US majors in Chap 11.
I can remember about 20 years ago when (I think Delta was all non-union at the time) the staff got together and bought the airline a B767.

24th Oct 2004, 01:21
>>I can remember about 20 years ago when (I think Delta was all non-union at the time) the staff got together and bought the airline a B767.<<

Well, the pilots were certainly represented ALPA at the time. Also, I think some dispatchers had representation in the early 80's. But everyone else was indeed non-union as I recall.

Here's a link to that memory from the "glory days":


24th Oct 2004, 01:21
Yep RT I've ridden on it. Was called the Spirit of Delta.

24th Oct 2004, 06:18
The Delta guys have been in dreamworld for quite some time...the reality check is arriving rather sooner than later.

Their gravy train had derailed, big time.

Gosh, it seems like only yesterday the DALPO folks were crowing...we are the best paid now.:* :*

Ignition Override
25th Oct 2004, 04:45
According to "Aviation Week & Space Technology"about ten years ago, Delta's contract allowed an open union shop. AW & ST stated that about 20% of Delta pilots were not members of ALPA. Many pilots at other airlines were apparently unaware of this. There was allegedly so little scope language in their contract (or was vaguely worded), that it allowed a major watershed event to take place at codeshare COMAIR, whereby there were few, if any limitations, on how many RJs could be operated.

This probably limited Delta mainline's growth/upgrades quite a bit. This indirectly created lots of pressure on pilot negotiations at the other US majors to loosen language, or not even expand it, using typical mgmt pattern-bargaining strategies, no matter how much this reality is denied by various company negotiators' spokesmen.

I'm not faulting the pilots at the regionals one bit (we fly whatever our airline buys or leases, or we leave), but just pointing out a major precedent for a US major, from all that I've read. :ugh:

25th Oct 2004, 06:32
Gloom and doom. The sun has certainly set, at least for the time being, on the glory days at the US legacy carriers. It was great while it lasted though. Never in the field of aviation’s auspicious history has so much been paid to so few for doing so little, although labor costs alone aren’t responsible for this mess. Cyclical industries by their very nature have ups and downs, no pun intended, but the sting in the tail this time of course is that of under-funded pension schemes. Be nice to see a few management types put behind bars for allowing this to happen, contractual obligations can hardly be claimed as last minute budget surprises. As for ALPA, a bit of a spent force which would still seem to believe its own propaganda. They must be feeling the squeeze themselves with vastly reduced dues flowing into the coffers.

411A is right, but then it’s a cyclical industry and even a stopped watch is correct twice a day, hold a position long enough and it gets kicked into play. 411A, I recall you were starting a new airline! How’s it coming along then? Do tell us, we’d all love to know. Something involving L1011s and slave labor based in the Far East I believe. Funny how the venerable old L1011 attracts a certain type. Does “happiness is a warm L1011” ring any bells?

25th Oct 2004, 13:14
XL5, you stated: "Never in the field of aviation’s auspicious history has so much been paid to so few for doing so little,".
A cute reference to pilots being overpayed......
Typical response to all aviations problems by those with no clue about aviation is that pilots are overpaid and underworked.
A glib useage of a once famous speech your statement may be, but it shows me that you are a tad uninformed as to airline payscales!!!!!