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Ex Oggie
19th Oct 2004, 18:10
I was chatting to a colleague recently, and they said something that suprised me. Apparently, a cabin crew member they know, was informed she cannot be an organ donor due to her occupation. Something to do with repeated press/de-press cycles.

This is the first time I have ever heard this. Is there anyone who may have any authoritive information, if this is indeed the case??


19th Oct 2004, 18:18
It might help to know the organ in question!

Brain, kidney or Hammond?

19th Oct 2004, 18:48
Doctor friend reliably informs me that it's likely she's having her leg pulled!

20th Oct 2004, 10:11
Ex Oggie, I think they'd be interested in any of your parts, apart from your gullible gland.

Can't remember the exact figures, but there are about 5000 people waiting for a transplant, and about 3-400 people a year die because of a lack of donors. If your interested in helping, phone 0845 6060400 to register your bits.

Ex Oggie
20th Oct 2004, 23:46
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I was fairly sure she was fed some duff info, but wanted to be sure as I never go anywhere without my card.


I believe she was told everything except eyes. Apparently they don't accept Hammonds anymore. Yamaha's last longer, but you can't get the bits when they go wrong. :p


Thanks for the number, I recently received it with my car tax renewal. It would be pretty cool if this post generated a few more names on the database.

21st Oct 2004, 02:50
Hi folks.

Having spoken to my good mother, who is a Transplant Co-Ordinator in the UK she has told me that cabin crew and pilots are perfectly fine to donate their organs in the event of their death.

Ex Oggie. Its great to see people carrying a card. Mine comes everywhere too. I know only too well the amount of people waiting for Transplants not just in Belfast but all over the UK. The number grows daily. As do the deaths. Put your name on the Register guys and gals!


21st Oct 2004, 08:27
...and have a look here for more info....

Transplant info. (http://www.uktransplant.org.uk/ukt/about_transplants/about_transplants.jsp)

Ex Oggie
21st Oct 2004, 19:27
Being such a worthwhile cause, maybe the Mods might make this a sticky for a week or so? Please?

21st Oct 2004, 19:47
... and as i'm feeling bad for missing the session today can I recommend doing it a pint at a time and donating blood :


While you are at it sign up to be a bone marrow donor, join the UK National register via the above link or at :


the odds you'll match someone make the lottery worthwhile, but if you "win", you save a life.


24th Oct 2004, 16:15
was/is it not the case that they (whoever decides these things) might be changing the system so that everyone is a donor unless you apply for a card which says you don't want to?