View Full Version : QR and non rated commanders

19th Oct 2004, 16:59
I just learnt that QR has suspended the intake of non rated captains.
Dose that mean they having enough rated applicants in the hold pool?and if that so,why they were taking non rated for the past months.
Dose anyone have inside info.Please enlighten me of the situation.

Hajj Man
22nd Oct 2004, 04:52
If you are trying to get a job at QR, Timing is everything. As a matter of fact, timing is everything with everything, right?

Your CV has to hit the office at the right time, on the right day of the right month and the right year here at QR.

You may be the best training captain of a 777, 747, 767 and if they have it in their mind that this week only type rated pilots are being looked at for the job, SORRY you will have to apply again.

It seems to be this way actually with other airlines as well so lets not point a finger at QR and say they are stupid in this matter, but we all know that this is how life is.

what will help you out is if you know someone, who knows someone who is sleeping with someone, who is eating with someone, who is friends with someone, who is the son of someone, who is married to someone, who is living next to someone, who is the sister of someone, who has flown with someone and who is willing to stick their neck out for you.

all jokes put aside, in this job it is all about TIMING MY FRIEND.

Yes the rumour network has said that no more non-typed guys but if you look at the CVs coming into QR I think you might find that this rule will be short lived. Give it a few weeks or months and it will only be non typed guys.

Good Luck.


22nd Oct 2004, 07:40
Hajj Man thank you for the reply.

What you are saying is very much true,because I have applied twice, first in may 2003 and in may 2004 but to no avail.
I know some with half of my experience and hr they got through.

And for the CV the hit the office at the right moment at the right hour at the right day,I think that is a wild-goose chase.

And UNFORTUATELY I do't know someone who know someone,who is sleeping with someone,etc,etc,etc.

So I guss have to work harder on timing,and keep trying.
I also hope this rule will be short lived.

Thanx again HM