View Full Version : Switzerland releases Lebanese hijacker

18th Oct 2004, 11:38
Keep an eye out for this lad; not someone you'd want on your pax-list:Switzerland expels Lebanese hijacker

GENEVA: A Lebanese man has been expelled back to his native country after serving 17 years in a Swiss prison for the hijacking of a plane in 1987, the Swiss government announced yesterday. It said Hussein Hariri was released from prison on Tuesday and was immediately put on a plane to Lebanon along with several other asylum seekers. Hariri was sentenced to life in prison in 1989 for killing a passenger and seriously wounding a flight attendant during the hijacking of an Air Afrique flight to Geneva in 1987. He was eligible for parole in 2004. In 2002, he went on the run after being granted improved detention conditions that allowed him weekend leaves but was recaptured two months later in Morocco. He was extradited back to Switzerland in August 2003 to finish serving his sentence.

18th Oct 2004, 12:30
Not to defend him but the guy finished serving his sentence.

So when you go out of jail, you are expelled back to your country.
Nothing wrong with this in my opinion.
I might be wrong but he might regret his acts?!?

In most european countries, when you are put in jail for life, you go out after 10-15-20-25 years.. Then you are "free".

There are thousands of terrorists around the world and 99% of them never went to jail!!!


Delsey Drifter
18th Oct 2004, 13:27
I don't want to get this heated DoItInverted but IMHO you're giving him way too much leash. Take a sex-offender - his name will be on a roll until the day he dies. He does his time, but his name is listed so that parents and concerned citizens can be aware of who he is & where he lurks. Do we have the same for hijackers? Not to my knowledge. This guy certainly doesn't sound like he's reformed, going on the run in '02.

Your stand-point appears to be "he's done his time, let's give him another chance." Not on my aircraft bud - the only problem is how do we know when he's traveling?

Your compassion and obvious faith in human nature is conciliatory at best - he killed a pax, injured a flight attendant, some limp-wristed judge gave him the minimum sentence and you think we should give him another chance? Either you're a better man than me sir, or you are a fool. With my biased view I'm not qualified to make that call.

18th Oct 2004, 14:50
Although you're absolutely right Delsey, I still think (or hope) that people in prison do learn from their mistakes..

I think that's the purpose of a prison..

But like I said I have no compassion what so ever with any terrorist act and I can't even imagine how the families involved in the hijacking feel after his release.

Maybe I'm just dreaming of a better world..


PS: By the way, I didn't want to offend anybody!!

B Sousa
19th Oct 2004, 21:52
"Keep an eye out for this lad; not someone you'd want on your pax-list"

You can bet hes not a happy camper and many groups of his persuasion are ready to pack him properly and light his fuse.
I can almost bet he has a new name and many passports by now and further that he is more of a threat now than he was seventeen years ago.

24th Oct 2004, 16:20
A small lead injection in his ear, delivered with a .38 would probably solve the problem.

26th Oct 2004, 21:33
Is he black-listed ? I surely hope so. Don't want him on any of my flights.