View Full Version : JAL final board meeting

17th Oct 2004, 21:07
I have passed the Jal preliminiry interview and is invited to the final board meeting.is there any Jal cc that could give me pointersfor the final day.I know that you need to smile all the time as its sometimes a bit diffucult as you remind urself that this is the only opportunity for the big career you have been waiting for.Will apreciate every comment

18th Oct 2004, 08:24
I'm probably a bit out of date by now - it was 6 years ago+ since my final board (followed by many happy years in the company).
For me it was 8 of them v about 6 of us hopefulls. It was 2 questions each - obviously you heard everyone elses answers & they didn't ask the same question twice. Know a bit about the company (I'm glad I didn't get that question!) know something about Japan - I was lucky as the winter Olympics were being held at the time in Japan, & they were doing quite well. Topics of Japanese food/customs were also in there.
They are interested in people who are interested in Japan (naturally).
It was pretty nerve wracking as you had to think on your feet not only infront of the final board but also your fellow cc.
Good luck!:ok: